Anyone else want to help fork Endeavour for m1/m2?

I have a MacBook Pro, a Mac Studio and some spare time. I’ve watched Asahi’s development of their ARM-based Linux (ARM which is not specifically for Raspberry Pi 3/4/5) grow over the years. To me, it seems as if this was a real challenge to tackle on their part.

I’d like to create an EndeavourOS that uses a usb stick. Is that possible with macOS Sequoia? Anyone know? The Asahi folks have people install Asahi Linux from curl in their macOS Terminal.

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I just read this older post. This person set up EndeavourOS through Arch using a parallel operating process, or something such as that. Clever!

Someone posted a similar request for comments last year, and suggestions for potential collaboration.

Here is an archived link of what they posted on another thread: