A quick guide to make a custom splashscreen for KDE Plasma (Outdated - No Longer Works)

This is just a quick guide I have put together for anyone wanting to customize their splashscreen in KDE Plasma, It is not complete and mainly to help people get a quick start. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, I may not be able to answer them but someone else may. The splashscreen used in the example is available here

  1. Rename the folder to what you want to call your splashscreen
  2. Inside the folder open metadata.desktop and change the following lines to match the name of the folder
    -Comment, Name, X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name
    and change to your name
  3. Open contents/splash/images and copy the image you wish to use for the background, rename this image background.png
    -If the file is not a png you can either convert the image or change the following line in Splash.qml source: “images/background.png” to the name and extension of your picture.
    4.You can also change the logo the same way
  4. Other colours etc you may want to change can be found in Splash.qml and use a hex code

What is a splashscreen, in this context? Is that the animation that is displayed between logging in through SDDM and Plasma desktop loading?

Because the word “spashscreen” can mean a hundred different things…

In plasma settings it’s called “splash screen” or at least it was when I used it last. It’s between sddm and user space. It was always the first thing I turned off because it just wasted time.


Does it really waste time? Does it make loading of the desktop slower? Or is it just playing an animation while the desktop is loaded, not resulting in significant increase in time?

I should test this…

You know, that’s a really good question.

To me it felt slower. . . But that could totally be a mind trick because I was watching something.

I may be absolutely wrong on that.

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Only one way to find out! I’ll do some tests and report here.

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On my PC it seems to just waste time, desktop is loaded pretty much instantly with it turned off. Not sure if it would make a difference on a slower machine. I do know you can shorten the length of the splash screen by changing the animation speed in settings

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I suppose the speed of your machine may impact if it takes extra time but on a fast machine it definitely adds noticeable time. Or it did the last time I tested.


It definitely used to feel like it took longer for me. It just felt like a waste when I wanted to be using my computer.


It does take longer but I’m never in such a rush I can’t wait for it.

Thanks for taking the time to show how things can be tweaked! :slight_smile:

Splashscreens were very much needed through the 00’s and 10’s, - I can still hear the clicks and whirring in my head as the drive platter loaded up… :wink: There’s still a swathe of them in the KDE store : https://store.kde.org/browse?cat=488&ord=rating

Disclaimer - I still have a splashscreen enabled, not because the platform needs time to load the desktop, - a 4Ghz CPU and 32GB of DDR4 on an EVO SSD mean it’s essentially instantaneous, but subjectively, it’s a nicer experience, and that’s hard to quantify.

Some people might like getting to the desktop at the speed of a warp re-entry, some might like to take a B5 jumpgate in… It says a lot that people are still making splashscreens… :slight_smile:

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I just installed EOS and so far it’s been great. Fast and beautiful.

About the splashscreen… I’m trying to follow the instructions but the folders directed in here, for me, it’s not possible to add new ones. I downloaded the files and extracted them.

How can I enable the ‘look and feel’ file to be able to add new files there?

Hi not quite sure of the question, I’m guessing you are trying to add it to the settings?
If this is the case copy the this folder not the whole directory that downloads from github

If that wasn’t the issue if you could try re-word the question or upload a photo of what you are doing I would be happy to continue and try and help.
BTW welcome to the forum

Sorry smokey. I’ll try to explain better this time.

During the installation, in the bootloader option in Calamares, I chose the recommended one, Systemd-boot. All good, only the aesthetic of the booting was bothering me.

The five seconds to choose to go with the standard boot, or go to BIOS/UEFI, after that, a list of OK during the boot isn’t the ideal for me. I looked for ways to change that.

In videos tutorial, archwiki and in here, all said similar thing about change the configuration in grub file, be through terminal or window manager. The file was empty for me so, I looked and even updated grub in the terminal, which created a new grub file.

Nothing of the tutorials worked. I came in here and found your orientation. I was able to copy the folder you mentioned through terminal (see image attached), because by window manager I don’t have permission.

But, it isn’t available in the settings option to change the splash screen. What am I missing? What are the next steps to be taken?

This tutorial won’t change the look of GRUB. It will only change the loading screen between the login screen and the desktop. Also where you have copied the file won’t work the folder needs to be in the look-and-feel folder,you can just use the folder under


Right, I just tried to be as clear as possible about the issue I’m having.

About the path you gave, I have only:




Either has the folder look-and-feel.

I installed EOS offline and updated mirrors after installation. Perhaps, something didn’t installed correct?

You should just be able to create the folders and they should work. The reason they probably don’t yet exist on your system would be that you haven’t installed any extra widgets, themes etc

Dear Smokey,

Thank you for your help, it worked. I was looking the most difficult way by mistake. It’s so simple as you said.

Also, I just noticed that you created these splashscreens which are beautifiul, each one of them. Well done!

Thank you again for your help!

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You’re welcome, I’m glad out got it working and thanks for the compliment

Exist a actually working Guide for Plasma/KDE 6.x?