You can’t beat a nice bit of heretic purging
I guess that is the common denominator of everyone having a megalomaniac vision of achieving “World Domination”: recourse to violence.
They never learn from the history though
In Nate’s case, “World Domination” means “I’d be pretty happy if we get Plasma to 15% global market share”. No mention of red hot pokers…
Back on topic…
During my check-up I asked the Doctor, “Do you think I’ll live a long and healthy life then?”
He replied, “I doubt it somehow. Mercury is in Uranus right now.”
I said, “I don’t go in for any of that astrology nonsense.”
He replied, “Neither do I. My thermometer just broke.”
To VR or not to VR - that is the question!
Hugo Gernsback demonstrating his television goggles in 1963 for Life magazine:
Be fair - the equipment wasn’t manufactured with accuracy in mind!
Anime fansub