A heads up to those who use mac machines. Their recent machines seem to be over using swapfiles, leading to degradation of the internal, non-replaceable, SSDs

The below resource was quite an interesting read, thanks for sharing! I haven’t really caught up with this since
A I generally have more than enough after market ram

And B I don’t use Swap files

Though it’s great to know its there and some ways to mitigste it

I don’t that’s what he necessarily meant man. It seems more like “there are benefits to soldered components” and most of us just disagree with that.

Its also not a pc more a media device most stuf is over internet… just like a phone

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Actually, when a system will not post, this is the first thing we tell people to check when they call in.

Cables, especially in an industrial environment, can come loose due to any number of factors. Even so called “latching” sata cables can work themselves loose enough to cause a system to not post.

@mandog is correct, there are benefits to soldering directly to the motherboard instead of using a socket/ slot connector, and he gave very good reasons why. So I will not belabor them again. However, for consumer level products, it just does not make sense. On gear that is supposed to be either “MilSpec” or designed for extreme environments, then soldering components makes sense. Not on Grandma’s MacBook that she uses to check her e-mail.

On Topic:

I hope they figure out why it is doing this. It sounds like a problem with their kernel/ software. We shall see.

That being said, the only products in my house from a company named Apple are vinyl records… ie. Apple Records and a copy of the Beatles White Album.


Yet Another Reason to NOT Use Apple. The only reason I use apple is for school. They give use school issued iPads. Other than that, I don’t support Apple at all.

I’m going to have to agree with @mandog on this one. He’s right and there is nothing to prove. It’s fact!

Edit: I’m just agreeing about the hardware.

But iT jUsT WOrKSS!!@@!!!111

Is there a civil war from the 1950’s I am unaware of? :laughing: Keep politics out of things. We have been over this before.


This post is not inappropriate nor should it be flagged

Agree with @LizziAS can @moderators please unflag that post.

And to THINK I wanted to buy an apple product, respectively an Iphone. I was SO CLOSE to get into that nightmare of an ecosystem and repair problems.

sad it no just apple problem… rest will follow ! very sad

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Well we have to get used to it. We bought 3 android phone this year all have sealed cases. but look at the benefit acidendly drop in water they still work not.


Galaxy s5 : Am I a joke to you?

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At the end people decide they want or not :slight_smile: knowing this, people with some knowhow should also educate people with les know how, then they can decide to do or not. But its all going to online drives and cloud services.

Wow blast from the past my wife had one it was a good phone. for 3 years then started blowing up batteries.

XD. That phone has a replaceable battery btw. Pop off the back and all the goodies accessible. It was still water resistant though, ip67 i believe.

That and the LG V20 were probably the best phones ever made.

Yes a replaceable battery that explodes every 6 months not really a good idea