I fired up an old computer I don’t use very much and tried to update it - only to get a 404 when it tried to get the endeavouros.db from github. It’s basically the same as this issue, I think?
but the solution given there provides 2 urls which are also 404s.
I’ve tried reflector-simple, and it ran with no errors, but the problem persists.
Some suggestions said to use the welcome tool’s “update mirrors” but that gives the following error:
Error: configuration 'eos-run-cmd-with-su' for EOS_ROOTER in file /etc/eos-script-lib-yad.conf is not supported!
I also saw eos-rankmirrors suggested somewhere, but that errors with a command not found
Haha, sorry, I hadn’t finished posting all my failures - I’ve tried to update the mirrors a few ways, some successful (reflector-simple) and some not (eos-rankmirrors) - but no luck.
I can see where to put correct db urls, I think - /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist - but I don’t have correct urls to put there.
Ok, that’s weird - that url works in the browser, but I still get a 404 from pacman. Just for kicks, I put the mirrorlist up on my work’s server, and I still get a 404… the other databases download fine (core, extra, etc), but not the eos one…
haha, no, I added the url to the file - totally misunderstood that!
A moment ago, I noticed another error, about pgp signatures, and I realized, even if I get this issue sorted, I’m going to have to update those - so I disabled the eos repository in pacman.conf and updated archlinux-keyring and now I’m doing a full pacman -Syyu without eos - it’s 3gb of downloads so it’s taking a while… I’ll change the eos mirrorlist file when the update finishes.
I moved the /var/lib/pacman/sync/ folder to my ~/ (because who just deletes stuff???) and updated - and - great success! It worked!
ok, so summarize for the benefit of anyone who finds this later:
disabled the eos repository - probably didn’t need to do this, had I done step 3 first:
a. vim /etc/pacman.conf then added # before the 3 lines that defined the eos repo (around lines 75-77)
updated pgp keys then system update without eos:
a. pacman -S archlinux-keyring
b. pacman -Syyu
replaced the url reference to the eos mirrorlist with the actual mirror list:
a. wget https://github.com/endeavouros-team/PKGBUILDS/blob/master/endeavouros-mirrorlist/endeavouros-mirrorlist
b. mv /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/orig.endeavouros-mirrorlist && mv endeavouros-mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/