20TB Drives on the way

Ahhh - the days that 1M RAM was adequate (not to mention that floppy disk operations were possible - aided in my case by a c: directory in a RAMdisk!

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Yeah, my first 386 had 8 Mb of RAM, and it was considered a beast! You couldn’t even use all of it with MS-DOS. And it had a coprocessor! :rofl:

The segmentation issues with Intel led to me stopping assembly language coding - I mean, backward AND segmented, and extended, and…

The 386 ran TAMU (Text A&M Uni Linux) not too badly though - I had it setup for multi-user over the modems for ‘C’ practice!

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Suckless :frog:

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Computers were better back then. Better hardware, and infinitely better software.

Sure, they had poor specs compared with today, and were somewhat elitist in the sense that grandma considered it to be magic :smiley: But they were better!

The limited specs forced people to be good programmers. There was no possibility for anything like JavaScript, Python or similar soyftware. There was C, for the most part, for serious boys.

…and COBOL and Clipper xBase if you wanted to develop lame soyftware.

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Things have changed - less (the GNU on here) is about 220K - the one I wrote for Amiga - full GUI, multi-font, resizable on the fly etc - 7K (68000 assembly)

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GNU Coreutils is bloat! :rofl:

I learnt a bit of 68000 Assembly around 1999, when I got myself a TI-92 Plus graphing calculator.


Are we in danger of going Off Topic? Too much of a leap? :frog:

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Wow… we never have to clean a disk again. For those of us who keep junk, imagine how much stuff we’ll have soon. :wink:

You’re right. Even Assembler is much more logical than bash (learned it with some friends by ourselves on a C64).
That’s the reason I never learned and most likely will never learn bash (not because I could not). :wink:

And a jsr ffd2 to you too! :grin: I tended to mix BASIC and to poke in ML where needed (space reasons) - but I know what you mean!