This isn’t really an issue since i already know how i would fix it (just remove the package manually). I actually just wonder why i ran into this:
So i installed the powerlevel10k-git package using yay (i will shorten it to just 10k). I used the non-git version before so after building Pacman/Yay is telling me that 10k-git and 10k are in conflict and if i want to remove 10k. I say “Yes”. Then when i see the list of packages that is about to get installed and i see
-10k (bla bla will be removed)
I proceed and try to install the packages. But the Installation will fail since
10k-git-debug also seems to be in conflict with the 10k-debug and i can’t proceed with the installation.
What is confusing me: Why doesn’t yay/pacman detect that as well and ask me if i want to remove that package before installation?
Bonus Question: Is there actually a way when using Yay to choose what package should be installed? I assume 10k-git-debug wouldn’t be needed anyways but it seems to force me to install that along with 10k-git.
there was a change on the default /etc/makepkg.conf some times ago were arch enables to install debug packages in the file… usually you do not need them… so EndeavourOS is now changing the config file to disable these… but you may have older install and missed the news.
Ty that explains quite a bit. Though why is it that Yay/Pacman doesn’t ask if it should remove them as well when therse are just as well in conflict as the 10k package it self? I’d assume it then would say 10k and 10k-debug are in conflict with 10k-git and 10k-git-debug?
in some cases you need to resolve manually by removing a conflicting package … in case of AUR builds it could be also that the user creating it is not properly set dependencies and stuff…