I have a question about the BSPWM edition and scaling. My 4K monitor shows everything clearly too small (factor 2 would probably make sense). I read in a post here that I can adjust this in .Xresources. Unfortunately I can’t find the file ( ~./Xresources). This is probably a stupid question, but where is the file or do I have to create it first?
Thank you for your answer. Yes, that was a typo. Sorry!
xrdb ~/.Xresources
Strangely enough, it does not create the file but only reports that it does not exist and can´t open it. I don’t get any other result with sudo either. sudo xrdb ~/.Xresources
I have a related question, some programmes do not scale due to the change. I have fixed this individually for the most part. Rofi, however, does not want to work. I have used rofi.dpi: XXX in ~/.Xresources for this. Unfortunately, Rofi is not affected by this. Is there another way to change the size? This concerns the “dmenu” and the power menu. Thanks again!
Of course, it’s the i3 config file.
I believe with BSPWM you have a similar file, bspwmrc (?).
You can use the same command without the exec --no-startup-id and of course you also would need to change the --output --scale to whatever suits your hardware.
If you want to learn more about this topic you can read these link1link2.
Thank you again!
Either I’m just too stupid or I’m missing something… Neither the cursor changes nor is rofi affected.
Unfortunately, I can’t find rofidmenu.rasi and rofikeyhint.rasi. I have edited powermenu.rasi like all the other things, but unfortunately without any effect.
In fact, I had not changed the size in powermenu.sh. This has now led to the fact that it works with powermenu. Unfortunately, dmenu is still small. I have changed several things in config.rasi (which has the same content as rofidmenu.rasi on i3). Neither the change in font nor the font size had any effect on the dmenu.
Even the mouse pointer is still small in Firefox, for example (but it works in almost all cases).
However, I think it is more likely to be my fault than a bug.I will work on it again next weekend.