Xnviewmp AUR installation error?

Package (2) New Version Net Change

xnviewmp 1.6.4-1 152.34 MiB
xnviewmp-debug 1.6.4-1 30.00 MiB

Total Installed Size: 182.34 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
(2/2) checking keys in keyring [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(2/2) checking package integrity [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(2/2) loading package files [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(2/2) checking for file conflicts [--------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
xnviewmp-debug: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/34/aac32bb4d3c0f44e72e57cf253a871240a1154 exists in filesystem (owned by huiontablet-debug)
xnviewmp-debug: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/34/aac32bb4d3c0f44e72e57cf253a871240a1154.debug exists in filesystem (owned by huiontablet-debug)
xnviewmp-debug: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/80/916a3578c4abf8d9433986b7ca87ee58797eb5 exists in filesystem (owned by huiontablet-debug)
xnviewmp-debug: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/80/916a3578c4abf8d9433986b7ca87ee58797eb5.debug exists in filesystem (owned by huiontablet-debug)
xnviewmp-debug: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ea/6a2369dae8e186543b5e0fa413cb7ee7058c84 exists in filesystem (owned by huiontablet-debug)
xnviewmp-debug: /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ea/6a2369dae8e186543b5e0fa413cb7ee7058c84.debug exists in filesystem (owned by huiontablet-debug)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
→ error installing: [/home/richardc/.cache/yay/xnviewmp/xnviewmp-1.6.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst /home/richardc/.cache/yay/xnviewmp/xnviewmp-debug-1.6.4-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst] - exit status 1
[richardc@richard-ms7c91 ~]$
[richardc@richard-ms7c91 ~]$

I was attempting to install Xnviewmp (latest) edition from AUR. Everything seemed successful until it finally compressed and then when I went to install it I get the following error message. I have a Huion graphics tablet setup with my system and it seems to have a conflicting debug file? Cancelling my attempts to install Xnviewmp. . . Any idea’s or suggestions?


Have a look at the following thread and implement the suggested solution there before attempting to build and install the package again.

So what is the final solution to getting rid of the debug files? I read all of the posts and am confused as to the ‘final’ solution to fixing this yay problem if it exists there. Any idea’s or thoughts? Maybe I missing the gist of all the replies as I just scantly read all the comments. . .


You would need to edit /etc/makepkg.conf and in the line that starts with OPTIONS= change debug to !debug

The way I am reading that topic, this will prevent new debug files being created but you could leave what is already there as it is.

Thank you for your response. . . I will reattempt my installation work later today.


1 Like

Everything works. . . like it was supposed to. I got Xnviewmp installed into my graphics category now and it works. (i.e. latest version). I’m now also now running KDE as a desktop instead of Cinnamon and am surprised how well it works. . . . . pretty nice.
