- where can I find the auto system update script? Its missing from the Welcome screen.
- Is it possible to change the look of the VLC to the system theme?
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!
Hello @Sray77 ,
I’m not sure that
is missing from /usr/bin/eos-welcome
eos-welcome --once
as for VLC idk
BlueSteel.vlt skin is a popular one Tools/Preferences/Interface/Use custom skin/
Choose the dowloaded skin and rerun vlc
if you want to reset start: vlc --ignore-config
VLC uses Qt, so you’ll need to follow the guide below to make it look like your GTK theme when using a GTK environment like Xfce.
Look and feel guide: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Uniform_look_for_Qt_and_GTK_applications
Regarding “auto-updating”, this is not recommended. That said, if you want to be notified of when updates are available, you may use the script below or possibly eos-update like mentioned above.
Simple Update Script:
# Function to check for updates and send notification
check_updates() {
updates=$(checkupdates && yay -Qua)
if [ -n "$updates" ]; then
notify-send -t 60000 -a "System Updates" "Updates Available" "Click to update in your terminal" -A "Update"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Notification was clicked, launch xfce4-terminal and run pacman and yay
xfce4-terminal -H -e "bash -c 'sudo pacman -Syu && yay -Sua; echo; read -p \"Press Enter to close this window...\"'"
# Main loop
while true; do
sleep 6h
This script is designed to check for system updates on an Arch-based Linux distribution using both pacman and yay package managers. It runs in a continuous loop, checking for updates every 6 hours and sending a notification if updates are available.
You can use your preferred terminal. The xfce4-terminal is not a requirement.
Here’s how to use it and make it autostart under Xfce:
The script defines a function check_updates()
and yay -Qua
The main loop runs the check_updates()
function every 6 hours
Save the script:
Make the script executable:
chmod +x ~/scripts/update_checker.sh
Test the script:
~/scripts/update_checker.sh &
Create an autostart entry in Xfce:
/bin/bash -c "~/scripts/update_checker.sh &"
Log out and log back in to Xfce, or restart your computer
The script will now run automatically when you log into your Xfce session. It will check for updates every 6 hours and notify you if any are available. Clicking the notification will open xfce4-terminal and run the update process.
Note: Ensure you have checkupdates
, yay
, notify-send
, and xfce4-terminal
installed on your system for the script to function properly.
Other Scripts: Useful and "Use Less" Scripts