Wireguard stopped working, problem with Portmaster

Make a connection:

wg-quick up azirevpn-us3
[#] ip link add azirevpn-us3 type wireguard
[#] wg setconf azirevpn-us3 /dev/fd/63
[#] ip -4 address add dev azirevpn-us3
[#] ip -6 address add 2a0e:1c80:14:4000::1c63/128 dev azirevpn-us3
[#] ip link set mtu 1420 up dev azirevpn-us3
[#] resolvconf -a azirevpn-us3 -m 0 -x
[#] wg set azirevpn-us3 fwmark 51820
[#] ip -6 route add ::/0 dev azirevpn-us3 table 51820
[#] ip -6 rule add not fwmark 51820 table 51820
[#] ip -6 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0
[#] ip6tables-restore -n
[#] ip -4 route add dev azirevpn-us3 table 51820
[#] ip -4 rule add not fwmark 51820 table 51820
[#] ip -4 rule add table main suppress_prefixlength 0
[#] sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
[#] iptables-restore -n

Evertthing looks good, but no internet! Disable the portmaster service and everything works. Have reported on their Github, seems to be a common issue.


Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully this will same some members some grief.
