Win 11 , endeavous dual boot partition problem

Hi all ,

I have been trying to dual boot endeavous with my exisiting windows 11 , the problem is that when i install endeavous and goes to the partition part , it doesnot see the windows partitions , it see only the hard disk as a whole disk not partitons
I disbaled secure boot , fastboot , intel technology , and didnot change anything

Note : this happened to me also in the past , when i tried to dual boot ubunutu and I failed in dual booting ubuntu for this reason , so there is a problem that i cannot find , can someone please help me if encountered a similar problem

Thanks in advance

Sounds weird.
Can you please post the results of
sudo inxi -Fxxc0z
sudo lsblk -f -o+SIZE
sudo fdisk -l
While running the live system.
Please use the formatting for these results (sign </> in the toolbar of the forum editor).