Why Endeavour OS?

Hello, please to be noted that I’m don’t want to offend anybody. But my question is, why should I use Endeavour OS? Not Manjaro or Arcolinux?

I mean, Endeavour is created as response of Antergos death. So why not the devs and users switch to Manjaro or Arcolinux?

I never use or heard Antergos before this, by the time I heard about it, it’s already defunct. So I don’t want to test a dead distro. But I heard some nice things about it from Arch based distro users that don’t want to use Manjaro.

Again, I hope nobody offend by my question. Is Antergos better than Manjaro and Arcolinux that devs and users want to create something new that mimicks it?

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First of all, welcome to the EndeavourOS forums. There is plenty to learn here and plenty of good teachers. For information on the philosophy of EndeavourOS go to here. For the gist of what you are aksing, you can jump to the 5th paragraph.

If you have any questions after reading this, reply in this thread with your question(s)

Again, welcome to EndeabourOS and the forums.



The following is simply my opinion. Endeavour does not actually mimic or replace Antergos. It seems to have been created in response to the demise of Antergos, but it is truly quite different. I installed EndeavouOS the day after its official release and had a very smooth installation (I tried Antergos several times and it was seldom smooth). What Endeavour gave me was a fuctional desktop OOTB, yet with very few extras to get rid of. Since the Arch foundation that Endeavour is built on wasn’t altered I was able to quickly set my system up the way I wanted it (i3, polybar, music editing apps, etc). I have tried Manjaro (once), and Arcolinux (also once) and they both gave me a lot of things that I didn’t need or want and they slowed my system down quite a bit. Both of those OSes seem to be built the way someone thinks your system should be, which is fine for those who are less “hands on”. For me, they just created a lot of extra work. I find it much easier to build up from nothing than to try taking out the pieces I don’t want without breaking everything.

Sorry for the excessive wordiness but that was a complicated question. Many, many layers :blush:


I couldn’t have put it any better! EndeavourOS is an Arch centric distro done right! Minimal install with all the tools needed to get you up and running so you can make it your own.


For several years I was a user of Antergos. The important thing is that I love the novelty, and tried to “leave” from Antergos to some other distros - Manjaro, Chakra, etc. And every time I returned back to Antergos. After the termination of its support, I began to drag out a replacement. I tried Arcolinux (it appeared relatively recently) and Arcman … … … I found Endeavour, tried it and it really reminded me of Antergos - laconicism, minimal additional packages, reliable operation. It was not very convenient to install online DE (kde-plasma). Now everything is fine. Thanks to the developers.



  1. Endeavour OS is same as Manjaro but closer to Arch than Manjaro?
  2. Has minimal installation?

is not the same, Manjaro is a different beast, but depend the same as … :slight_smile:

  1. Is basicly Between antergos & Arch… Arch with a great community
    2 Has a minimal install with not to much bloath just stuf needed.

Ok I did tested it. The fact it has far less pre-installed packages than Manjaro and Arco really does boost the performance. Like, significantly. I like it. Endeavour probably can be better than Manjaro and Arco. May this distro succeed.


Manjaro relates to Arch in much the same way that Ubuntu relates to Debian. Debian and Arch are the bases upon which the others are built, but so many changes are made that they are a very different OS in the end. Endeavour, on the other hand, introduces very few changes so that the end user is landing much closer to pure Arch; yet with a fully functional system from the beginning. Manjaro is designed to solve most of your functionality issues for you. With Endeavour you can make things function the way YOU want them to.


the biggest key is only , the manjaro-system if huge system changes, what is not strange is in arch they can use the script in stable repo to do some stuf to make the changes. systemic changes. they can symlink stuf or other stuf depend what needed.

Thats why endeavour os got kalu installed. To have the power to get the news that can be importand, also a steady upgrade grade is nice if you don’t update in a sec. to give time what kalu said on news :slight_smile:

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And if one would want to find out which tools exactly Endeavour OS adds, where would one look? GitLab?

Is it fair to say that EndeavourOS helps you getting started by installing a good set of basic functions but then gets completely out of the way, which means your OS behaves like vanilla Arch from there on?
And in consequence, the work the EndevourOS team has to do is primarily in the installer. (Leaving website and forum aside for a moment)

we do development at GitHub:

We do keeping it very simple at all, so we do not configure everything on initial install, the offline install will bring in a themed xfce Desktop with lightdm. We themed also grub and lightdm but nothing deeper inside the system. grub-grub theme can be replaced or removed if you like and lightdm is themed with lightdm-gtk-settings, easely can be changed with the tool.

So yes we do simple develop an ISO (based on original Arch-ISO) and configure calamares to install the system. We do have a little repository for tools we do need for the installation and some tools we do like for users to have as a set to get things configured secure and easy (nvidia-installer, grub-tools, reflector-auto, yay)


The tools i was referring to are some of the standard packages that are included in Arch being pacman plus things like gparted, yay, nvidia installer, kalu etc. Maybe this is something they could look at putting on the wiki under Tools to show what the packages are and an explanation of what each are for and how to install them if needed. I understand your concern because a new user may not know what these packages are, what they used for, and how to look at them and or install them. It’s easy to see what is in the Endeavour repo if you have the GUI pamac installed but you have to install it with yay. Those familiar with Arch and these types of tools and packages would likely not have any difficulty. I guess this something maybe @Bryanpwo @joekamprad, @fernandomaroto and @manuel could discuss and look at and see if it fits in with their philosophy of Endeavour and it’s goal. Is it really necessary? Etc.

Installed Desktops for netinstall will be vanilla without extra added packages or configs , we also will provide the DM’s fitting the DE (GDM for GNOME e.t.c.)

This will not mean that it is a pure Archlinux installation, as it still have our Repository and themed grub.

The ISO itself is keeping a bunch of tools for rescue actions and doing backups saving files e.t.c.
We will provide a wiki with what is on the ISO too asap.
I was thinking about a rescue launcher, as i do create one before for my rescue ISO at Antergos, where you can launch rescue apps from and get links to HowTo’s directly from the launcher.

We have active discussion at development about how to do all this, and me personal i was thinking that we need something for not that experienced users to get an entrance to the way archlinux works.

It will, may be another launcher after initial installation that gives you button for common apps and links to wiki pages to do initial fine tuning for EndeavourOS.

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Cool! That exactly was the point I was struggling with initially. How do all these Arch descendants differ from each other.
Now that I installed Manjaro, Endevaour and Arch I think I start to understand the differences.

  • Arch provides the baseline, which is the OS and the bare minimum of tools (pacman,…)
  • Endevaour, gives me all of Arch but with an installer and some additional tools + a desktop environment pre-installed.
  • Manjaro gives me all of Endevaour plus: a different (packaged instead of individual installs, additional testing,…) way to deal with updates, yet again more additional tools pre-installed and a few Manjaro specific tools.

Listing all the components you add to a baseline Arch in a wiki is going to be very helpful to people in the same boat as me to find their way around and pick the distribution which fits their needs best.

My conclusion after I went through my first Arch install last week, had to use Arch because the Endevaour installer did not (yet?) support my disk layout needs, is that installing Arch once is ok, so one knows what’s involved. But unless one installs new machines on a regular basis, Endevaour OS just makes more sense because one arrives at the same result a lot lot quicker.
And in this context the analogy mentioned higher up between Debian/Ubuntu and Arch/Manjaro now makes perfect sense to me!

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And there is Arcolinux with around 1000 videos to help you to setup a system that you want and in the end build an own ISO from that. But that takes a lot more time and there are way to many choices to make and a lot of possibilities to break your system. :sweat_smile:
But if you want to keep things simple, you can install arcolinuxb-iso and get a bare arch too.
I’m not a fan of videos when I try to install/configure my system (play - pause - play - pause) and the mentioned possibilities to break the system are the reasons I stick with EOS. It’s the right composition for me. :v: Not to mention the great community…


EndeavourOS is at first the community,

you can install pure arch if you want, it is not that we do support only our installs from EndeavourOS ISO :wink: