Which workflow helps you to block unwanted content?

As @drunkenvicar wrote in another post, let’s start a poll/discussion about using /etc/hosts, browser-extensions, firewall, iptaples, pi-hole,… for blocking unwanted content.

So, what do you use on your system?

  • /etc/hosts
  • firewall
  • iptables/nftables
  • extensions for browsers
  • pi-hole
  • filterlist in router
  • other…
  • nothing
0 voters

Feel free to comment and let’s have a look at maybe another solution than the own setup. It’s never too late to improve the system. :gear: :hammer_and_wrench:


I use

  • filterlist in my router (not many entries possible, works for smartphone/tablet too)
  • browserextension: ublock origin
  • a customized /etc/hosts (works even if I’m not at home), https://ajacobsen.github.io/block-tracker/

I voted extension (umatrix at default will annihilate most of the page–you have to work with it) and firewall. look forward to more votes and reasons.

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I have uBlock Origin installed by default since I use LibreWolf, but I voted pihole because while a browser extension does some blocking on my laptop, my pihole does blocking across my entire network of devices :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s a bit overkill doubling up like that perhaps but the extension is installed by default and it’s not doing any harm so :person_shrugging:

I was standing up docker containers on my home server for a variety of hobby projects and decided to go nuts and build a bunch of novelty stuff, which ended up including a container for pihole just because I could. I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how well it works, especially across the assorted phones and tablets in the house.


I found a hosts file from 2015 that blocks only google services/servers. On the hunt now for a a modern one. For the sport of it :slight_smile:.

Can you imagine a 100% google-free online life?

I voted extensions, tried pi-hole, but doesn’t play nice with other vpns like tailscale.