I am curious to know which tiling window manager would be the most customisable and easiest to configure? I know that AwesomeWM is very customisable but it is definitely not as easy to configure compared to other WMs (window managers) out there that might be a little less customisable than awesomeWM but is much easier to configure?
I think i3wm, but …
at the end WM’s are dificult, some people are like a fish but im sure there are also people that can hack some stuf with there ability’s modify a config.
hacking as hobby they copy a config and make a bit changes until it evolves… at the end is always a learning curve…
i3wm is less dificult but you have to find sources and backups
i3wm was my first WM and I stuck with it. The config is good to read and well documented. Plus there are many dotfiles (config-files) out there to get some inspiration.
@joekamprad has some dotfiles too.
You can leave the fingerprint-part if you didn’t have a Thinkpad.
BSPWM is maybe another option. There is a tutorial for beginners in our Discovery magazine:
I have tried a few tiling WMs and always come back to i3 because it is functional from first login but isn’t difficult to make it better through customizing. The i3 website has a lot of great information and there are many other resources available with a bit of searching.
You can also use some tiling scripts on KDE like
to very easy start with tiling window.
Just search the web
for me most convinient way to use tiling is i3-wm on top of xfce4.
So you will have the tools from xfce to configure theming for apps and to use its tool for stuff like Bluetooth, you can also use xfce panel(bar) if you like…
WIth i3WM, am I able to customise my rice like this?
Is it just as customisable as awesome?
Do I need a desktop environment to run i3WM or can I just simply run i3WM?
I like Enlightenment. You can use it as a plain window manager, a tiling window manager or a lightweight DE, depending on how you configure it. I use it as a DE, but set up one workspace as tiling and allow the others to be normal. I can use the DE interface to shift between the conventional workspace and the tiling workspace and thus have the best of both worlds in still a very lightweight package. Pretty cool, but takes some tinkering.
Is this an operating system?
Sounds interesting
i3wm is easily customizable, all the most important features are very well explained in the
user guide and all you need to do is to write the things you need in the config file ( ~/config/i3/config ) which has a human-readable syntax. You can also run it as is, just with the minimal configuration generated by the wizard. It can be used without a DE, but you’ll need a compositor at the very least. I don’t know whether it can be as pretty as the screenshot above (I’d guess it could with enough tinkering), but that’s not it’s primary goal (“…Don’t be bloated, don’t be fancy…”). I like it, because it is well documented, accepts custom commands and is no-mouse friendly
Enlightenment is a collection of libraries. The main attraction is a windows manager, but there are some helper applications that turn it into a lightweight desktop environment, there is also a terminal app, video player and a few other things. I originally installed it because I was experimenting with lightweight, low footprint DE’s. A DE that uses the same resources as a window manager is pretty light! I run it on two OS’s: Endeavour and Void Linux. Works well on both. It is not one of the preinstalled DE’s on Endeavour; you will have to install it yourself. The ArchWiki page with install hints is here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Enlightenment#Enlightenment and the Enlightenment homepage is here: https://www.enlightenment.org/
You can also try it out using a live USB of Bodhi Linux. But you shouldn’t stay there! If you like it, come back to Endeavour and install it here.