foobar2000 (Wine)
mpd and ncmpcpp
Search and stream music off YouTube right from the terminal
Freetube, Spotify, Strawberry.
Freetube, nice thanks!
I like plain and simple Applications with simple UIs and I dont tinker with/color my audio with EQs or anything so i use Gnome Music. I then symlink my music library into my music directory which is where it expects music to be and Im good to go.
Audacious, brings the best experience for me.
Just mpd. And as frontend ncmpcpp if I’m on wm or cantata if I’m on a DE.
Tauon Music Box -
Check out their Github:
Available via AUR or Flatpak:
Nice, just tried it.
Looks al lot like Quod Libet, only QL had an equalizer and I need that to get a decent sound.
Another Cantata (and mpd) user here. ALSA output to my USB DAC, podcasts and radio too
Everything works but music playlists are not easy to work with.
Audacious for me at the moment, though I tend to just put youtube on these days
I was wondering if you could get the track that shows deviation in the volume in other music players? What’s it even called?
Not sure if you’re talking about the bar at the bottom or not, but if you are I think the last time I used Clementine it had something similar
I use that too. It seems to be the best when you host your Music files on a Jellyfin Server. Of course you could use the Jellyfin Media Player, that works great too. But I think Tauon is a really good player just for Music.
Yeah basically the track at the bottom which looks like an oscilloscope.