Which music player do you run under Linux?

your command tells yay to remove the package quod and the package libet. are those two packages you which to uninstall? if you are trying to remove a single package maybe the package name has a dash in it ‘quod-libet’? package names must be a single word (with dash perhaps if made by two or more words)

hi there

iam trying to uninstall the one player i have been trying which is this one quod libet

$ yay quod libet
gives me this:

2 aur/quodlibet-git r10393.ed4d84575-1 (+3 0.00) 
    An audio library tagger, manager and player
1 community/quodlibet 4.4.0-1 (2.1 MiB 10.5 MiB) 
    Music player and music library manager
==> Packages to install (eg: 1 2 3, 1-3 or ^4)

those are yout package names:

as I said earlier “quod libet” cannot be a package name because it contains a space.
as you can see from the command above the package name you are probably looking for is quodlibet so the command you need to issue is

pacman -R quodlibet

ok great thanks alot

I actually quite like quod libet but I can’t figure out how to do the tagging album look up and selecting info and covers, I did see there is a manual plugin that does it but surely it can be also manual?

And there is a section at the bottom that I couldn’t hide/turn off/disable or move it as a panel to the right of the window. So the album cover grid view on the left and song list on the right or play que on the right

@Lemon how did u get urs to look like that ?

mmtc – minimal mpd terminal client



Currently, Juk, but it has an annoying bug in the form of album cover art entropy. Considering alternatives.

Rhythmbox with alternative toolbar.

Captura de tela de 2021-04-18 19-34-33


hey all

ive been going through various players and i thought i found what i was looking for or at least liked being amarok player but ive noticed something. it seems to me that every player i try it is very laggy and if i click on something i have to waittttttttttttttt or also the gui does strange things ie if i select something and the blue line is visible and then i click somewhere else the first blue line remains there and then the whole gui goes crazy.

so not sure what may be wrong here … orrrrrrrr i’m i downloading the wrong thing like if the site of the player is like blahblah.kde.org or whatever kde is that there way of saying that , that player is only for the kde desktop.

The non KDE version of Amarok was Clementine, or strawberry. When you install something you see what else is being installed to make it work, if it is a whole heap of stuff maybe find an alternate version which uses what you have already.

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No, it just means it is part of the kde project or the source is hosted by kde. It should work with any DE.

Many music players go through an indexing process when you first start using them. Be sure to wait for that to finish before you evaluate the performance.


Nuclear is a pretty good streaming player that i use


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finally found my music player … and it is not a pain to setup at all … it runs very smooth … can view by album, artist, genre and folder view . i havnt found where i can put screenshots but here is the site

Thanks for the pointer. Might be worth a look in spare time – but nothing there shows as to its handling of music quality without testing… is it mp3 only? If FLAC, does it handle cue files? etc etc…

Good luck with it - regardless…

Always mpd ncmpcpp mpc


Found your Cantata suggestion. I was looking for a QT based music player to replace Clementine/Strawberry. Really impressed, love the interface and the auto-hide is a nice. Highly configurable. Happy camper. :camping: :musical_note:


Does brave browser + youtube count? xD


My daily driver is a laptop so I use Cmus, it has all of the (few) features I need and it’s lightweight. I also like Tauon Music Box but it’s a lot more resource intensive; on another computer where I have a larger music collection I use Rhythmbox.

I also listen to a lot of music through Spotify (mainly to discover new stuff), but I use it in the browser.

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no beat cmus :blush:

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Audacious. Was preinstalled back when I used Manjaro XFCE and I liked it, so I’m still using it.

It’s as simple as it gets.


Or use a different skin, there’s no limit to the imagination xD


Lots of different looks available - good sound - easy external access - lotsa plugins :grin:
