Where did they go - the github and the anaconda discussion forums

hello dear experts,

i am fairly new to Endeavour - but i have to confess - this is my top linux distro.

i am using Github and anaconda for a few years. and i frequently go on the discussion boards.

but as i tried to do so this day - i saw: they have moved to new ressources. both of them:

where did they go - the github and the anaconda discussion forums

Look forward to hear from you

Aren’t the github forums basically here now:

My understanding is the anaconda forums moved to here:


many tanks dear dalto. I will have a closer look at the palces
BTW; on a sindenote:

i have updated the anaconda navigator - but the Spyder still is very old.

spyder 4.1.5
actual Version is: 5.2.2; (as of 21. Januar 2022)

how to update this - and btw also VSCode!?

Can i do this !?

community/spyder 5.3.2-2 (9.5 MiB 45.0 MiB) 
    The Scientific Python Development Environment

updating packages on EndeavourOS ? or where?

hi there .- good day dear JoeKamprad,
at the moment i am talking about Anaconda which runs on a windows box .
i am willing to update /& upgrade the vscode and the spyder - is this possible!?

Besides that:
but i am willing to install and setup a whole python environment on a endeavour-Os. I need more instructions here.

btw: i am overwhelmed -this awesome forum is capable for so many topics - you are the kings of experts. / and the queens :grinning:

I also use anaconda on eos, it basically installs most of what you might need for using python on scientific computing. You can also install mini conda instead, less bloated.

Here is part of a script I run on a recent install. Note the anaconda link can be updated from time to time… All install instructions for linux can be found on their webpage.

#Download anaconda

$ cd ~/Downloads

$ wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2022.05-Linux-x86_64.sh

#make installer executable and run it
$ chmod +x Anaconda3-2022.05-Linux-x86_64.sh

$ ./Anaconda3-2022.05-Linux-x86_64.sh

#After installation, create an icon in your program menu, assuming you install anaconda in home folder(replace username by you username)

$ echo "[Desktop Entry]
Terminal=false" > ~/.local/share/applications
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You can also install packages independent of anaconda, some of the programs maybe in the AUR. That’s all very different from using windows. I suggest to install eos and follow the wiki links about package management, AUR and pacman using the eos welcome app.

Vscode is not included in anaconda on Linux installs to my knowledge. That’s proprietary isn’t it?

With anaconda you should be able to update existing programs like Spyder using it’s menu and update function.

and no worries about how to update… it will get latest updates every hour minute :wink:

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If you’re trying to update the version of spyder within your conda environement, just running the following command after activating your environment should do the trick.

conda update spyder

Unless I’m misunderstanding what you’re trying to do.

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hello dear LewdLoli, ZirCon, Joekamprad,

many many thanks - well i will surely install

Anaconda on the EOS and will try it out. I love EOS and i want to work with Python - so i guess that the best way to dive into this is to run a

Anaconda or
Conda environment

BTW; if i install Python natively on the Eos i will face the hell of dependencies with Pyenv , Env etc. etx. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41573587/what-is-the-difference-between-venv-pyvenv-pyenv-virtualenv-virtualenvwrappe

[What is the difference between venv, pyvenv, pyenv, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, pipenv, etc?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41573587/what-is-the-difference-between-venv-pyvenv-pyenv-virtualenv-virtualenvwrappe)

what do you say

Have a great day.

I’ve only ever used conda, so I can’t really comment on the others, but it looks like they’re kind of doing the same thing for the most part. Using virtual environments is a good idea, since it allows you to easily manage your installed packages and if you’re building an app that’s going to be shared around you can also keep track of dependencies.

If you’re going with conda, I’d recommend you go with miniconda instead of anaconda. Not that anaconda is bad by any means, but I find it a little bloated. If you’re a beginner, you’ll probably find that you’re not using most of the packages included. Having to decide which packages you’re going to use will also be a plus, since you’ll get more familiar with them.

Anyway, the choice is up to you so read up on more info if you want: Anaconda vs Miniconda

Lastly, you should check this out as well so you can easily get started on using conda environments: Managing conda environments

Best of luck and I hope things will go smoothly for you!


@joekamprad In my experience the way how spyder is developed makes arch package unusable. If you have newer dependency package (e.g. qt5 package) than what was used for the spyder build (even a minor version without a significant API change) then the spyder just won’t work. There is vesion restriction not only for “higher than” but also “lower than” which is pain for a rolling release.

@otrott If you want to use spyder I would recommend installing it with pip into it’s own virtual environment. If you do not know how to use venv then you should learn it. It will come handy when you do not want to mess your system with different python packages with different versions.

Then you can set your systems python as an interpreter (Tools > Preferences > Python interpreter > set custom path to /usr/bin/python). A bare minimum package that you will need are packages python and python-spyder-kernels.

I’ve even made a launcher script that will install spyder into its own environment (if not already present) and infrorm you if there is an updated version. No guarantee that it will work on your system or “not damage it”. When you want to update the version you can just delete the whole venv folder and it will install new version on next run.


check_for_update=1  # 0==false, 1==true

# enter runtime directory
[[ -d "${SP_DIR}" ]] || mkdir -p "${SP_DIR}"
cd "${SP_DIR}"

# activate virtual environment and install spyder if not already so
[[ -d "venv" ]] || python -m venv venv
source "venv/bin/activate"
[[ "$(which spyder 2> /dev/null)" == *"venv"* ]] || pip install spyder

# check for spyder update
[[ $check_for_update -eq 1 ]] && {
new_pip=$(pip list --require-venv --outdated | grep '^spyder\b')
[[ -n "$new_pip" ]] && notify-send -t 10000 "Spyder can be updated" "${new_pip}"
} &

# launch spyder from the virtual environment
spyder || notify-send "Spyder returned with error code $?"

# cleanup

Ofcourse you can use conda instead of pip but that just feels too bloated for me.


You might or you might use venv and save yourself some headache. When you install python (simply by running sudo pacman -S python). Then you already have venv installed since it is “standard library” like any other useful libraries - math, socket, unittest, …

pacman is a package manager for EndeavourOS (or more precisely Arch linux). It can install python packages and many more.
conda, anaconda or pip are package managers - they can install only python packages.
My advise - if you install something system-wide then use pacman; if you install package into a virtual environment then use those other programs. Just pick one and stick with it - do not mix them (for me pip is the simpliest and awailable on every machine with pyhon so I use that one).

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