Where Can I find EOS DE Progress Info?

It would save me from asking you all :).

specifically: whenever I log into Cinnamon greeter I get the pulldown, and in the pull down is “Cinnamon Wayland (Experimental)”. I’m too scared to try it but not my point.

…when will it be un-experimental/official? how’s progress with this? EOS team notes, latest Cinnamon-Wayland dispatches etc?

is there a place at EOS for that?
Or am I barking up the wrong tree? i.e. should be looking at cinnamon/mint devs?

Thank you.


ruff :scream_cat:

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Mint devs write it, Arch Devs package it, Endeavour uses Arch Repos, so just try it, I assume it is experimental wayland support???

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thank you xircon, I was unaware how the food chain worked with DEs/Wayland: got to source for Waylan info: Mint. :+1:

I will wait til it gets ‘more official’–all I read are wayland horror stories so far.

As my bio states, not in these words, but I am anti-Wayland for now. However, it’s come a long way over the past year and is pretty good now.

As far as Cinnamon’s Wayland session is concerned, the main issues I experienced are:

  • remembering that I’m in Wayland
  • my clipboard manager (copyq) launches but doesn’t work
  • my screen shooter (flameshot) launches but doesn’t work
  • my screen recorder (obs-studio) launches but doesn’t work
  • some other X11-based apps won’t work or won’t work properly, like dmenu
  • if I am playing games, it’s probably better to launch games without gamescope
    • — this is true for Hyprland as well, so I assume they aren’t exactly compatible.

Apart from these things, I wouldn’t say I hate it. In fact, some games work better when using Wayland and things look smoother. But my experiences are mostly limited to gaming, as I pretty much only log into a Wayland session if a game isn’t launching.

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thank you: can confirm your list of problems: https://github.com/linuxmint/wayland/issues that is current wayland status which is very busy

the Mint Forum alpha release notice has not been revised since 1/24 which, to me, may mean there was nothing to revise (no progress). I’ve not seen more red flags with anything like this.

" Experimental support for Cinnamon running in Wayland was introduced in Cinnamon 6.0.

It is in alpha stage. That means you should expect lots of parts to not work. The current list of issues, whether they need fixing in Cinnamon, in an XApp project, a Mint tool or any software project Linux Mint maintains, can be found on https://github.com/linuxmint/wayland/issues.

If you were curious and went into Wayland to see what it looks like, make sure to reboot before you return to standard Cinnamon Xorg session so everything works properly. Otherwise you will have problems because the Wayland environment persists into the following Xorg session right now and you will have a mixture of both which will cause problems. For example, the lockscreen/screensaver will not work.

If you went into Wayland to see what it looks like and you have automatic login enabled you may have problems returning to Xorg.
To fix that:

  • Ctrl+Alt+F2 to drop to console. Log in in text mode.
  • sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  • Remove the lines about the autologin.
  • Ctrl+O Enter to save
  • Ctrl+X to exit
  • Restart.

Using Wayland for the Cinnamon desktop is a work in progress. Wayland is not a direct replacement for Xorg in the sense that X Server currently handles much more functionality for the desktop than the Wayland protocol handles. That means, when switching from using Xorg to Wayland, code must be either re-written to handle those parts which Wayland does not do that X Server used to do, or new code must be created. There is not one way to implement Wayland and each Desktop Environment has to decide what to do. The Linux Mint Cinnamon developers are currently making many decisions. A board was set up to keep track of Wayland development and is available here.

While in Wayland, GUI tools which normally prompt you for a password like updates, synaptic, mintsources, or pkexec can not yet be done."

I’m all in favor of progress but Xorg or bust right now.

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I would think the best way to track progress is the Mint blog.

From personal experience (currently using 6.4.2)- it’s more or less functional already. I’ve had issues with touchscreen gestures and using my stylus, but that’s about it.

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