When I typed in 'Yay' this morning...this happened

Hey Friends,

I did my daily 'Yay" in terminal and I saw this message. I’m not sure what this means:

error: failed retrieving file ‘core.db’ from mirrors.rit.edu : SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

error: failed retrieving file ‘extra.db’ from mirrors.rit.edu : SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

error: failed retrieving file ‘community.db’ from mirrors.rit.edu : SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

warning: too many errors from mirrors.rit.edu, skipping for the remainder of this transaction

error: failed retrieving file ‘multilib.db’ from mirrors.rit.edu : SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

Do I need to resolve this? If so, how?

The problem is not on your side but at mirrors.rit.edu. You can solve the issue by simply regenerating your mirrorlist with the “welcome” application.


Based on this you aren’t the only one getting errors there. Looks like the certificate has expired and possibly other issues too. Using a different mirror should fix everything. Just update the list from the welcome app as suggested above.

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Thanks @ishaan2479 @ramblinwreck !

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