What is your Favorite Movie?

I like all the Top Guns


The Bluesbrothers


Solaris, Andrey Tarkovsky


I donā€™t have a definite favorite movie, but I got a couple of movies that I would put in a top 10 list.

  1. Django Unchained - Jamie Fox killed the role for Django but Christoph Waltz made that movie such a fantastic watch from beginning to end.

  2. Good Will Hunting - IMO, this is easily Robin Williamā€™s best role. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, as their first Directorial endeavour, made gold with this.

  3. Prisoners - One of my favorite thrillers of all time, Jake Gyllenhaal kills the role as the detective in this movie but Hugh Jackson also did a fantastic job.

  4. Princess Monoake - Probably my favorite animated movie, the visuals, the characters, the motivations for their actions are fantastically well done here.

  5. Bullet Train - Probably my favorite comfort film, funny and a nice little watch. Brad Pitt and Hiroyuki Sanada are great but the duo of Brian Tyree Henry and Aaron Taylor-Johnson make this a fantastic watch.


A Brighter Summer Day
Edward Yang is a master of atmosphere. A lot of my dreams look like scenes from this movie now.

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I absolutely love this movie. I have such a difficult time showing it to people because they get frustrated with the beginning.


But towards the end, the generally simple words spoken by Sartoriusā€¦ at that momentā€¦ in that settingā€¦ they hit you on the spot - a human needs a human beingā€¦


Exactly! I told my dad multiple times that it was totally worth the wait but he didnā€™t want to hear it :stuck_out_tongue:
He fell asleep 20 mins in and when he woke up again he told me it was boring nonsense. I kind of got my feelings hurt haha


Canā€™t decide:

But those are two of my all-time favorites.

This one is also very viewable:

Edit - forgot one:


I wonā€™t hide it, it was the first time I had such a reaction :joy:
But the older I get, the more deeply I perceive this filmā€¦

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top 10 always shuffling:

element of crime (lars von trier)
manhunter (michael mannā€”makes silence of the lambs look like barbie)
to live and die in LA (friedkin)
alien (1)
the endurance (liam neeson-narrated documentary about shackleton expedition)
jackie brown (tarantnoā€™s best imo)
bad lieutenant (keitel)
no country for old men
say anything

they will all be different tomorrow and #1 of all time changes hourly.
ā€“indecisive vicar


Donnie Brasco
The Equalizer (series)
John Wick (series)
Bill & Tedā€™s Excellent Adventure


Young Guns (Billy the kid)
Last of the Mohicans
Man on Fire
The notebook
usual suspects
Midnight express
lol list goes on and on thereā€™s so many. Not that many decent one for last 10 yrs tho.

Wish you didnā€™t ask, canā€™t stop thinking of them now


For starters here is a few in no particular order


The first Matrix


I have a lot of movies that I love. But I think the Star Wars saga is top of my list. I also love The Big Lebowski. A lot of movies by Quentin Tarantino and Guy Ritchie are also up there for me


Itā€™s very hard to answer, but this is what first came to mind.


I don t know if it s possible to say what s my favorite. There are so many good ones I ve seen. It also depends on the criteria used. Sometimes a movie will plant something in your head, and one ends up pondering the implications for years. Blade Runner did that to me. When Harry is zooming in on an image, and he ends up focusing on a character which is sitting around a corner that blew my mind. I ve thought about that scene for years. Anyway, Great scenes; Fury, A Few Good Men, Blade Runner. Great Story line; The Truman Show, The Matrix. ā€¦There are so many more.


In Pulp Fiction what was in the brief case?

one theory was Marcellus Wallaceā€™s soul but everyone has a theory and made no sense in relation to the plot.
Juleā€™s soul? The heavenly glow was a message to Jules before all those shots were fired? Good question. Never seen it answered to my satisfaction and not sure even Tarantino discussed it (but surely he had to?).