What is the app that i can download new apps fr repo

wow! i do “yay vim” and it listed out over 100 of stuff… how am i suppose to browse thru all these ? lol. :sweat_smile:

luckily pacman -S vim give me a straight forward stuff… lol

ic. good to know.

That’s why I mentioned about ‘to do nothing just hit enter:grin: When that happens, just retry with more detail - like maybe yay vim editor or yay vim gui which could cut it down a bit! Often what you actually want is quite close to the bottom (low numbers), as the repo items that match show up first, and the others (I think) are shown in a ‘popularity’ order…

Of course - that is not the only way. Some people even put pamac on their system just for searching - but never install with it. Others (depending on what DE they are using) may use other (primarily GUI) tools for search - but it is always best to handle install, and particularly updates with the command line tools. IMHO, of course :grin:

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ic. ok… i got it.

I use pamac all the time, for searching packages and installing them too.
I update my rig with pamac as well.

Okay, my name is Eddy the Eagle. :rofl:

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shld not be an issue with gui package manager… just linux is more to command line. i am gui king… was using windows for ages… but i also want to learn to use command line too. certainly using gui is no wrong. :slightly_smiling_face:

i just wondering if “autocad inventor” 3d design software able to work in linux world ? if not… then all these users won’t be able to use linux for work which rely on CAD inventor.

there are 2 pamac one is gtk and the other is kde… which one to download for my en.os ? gtk ? how to tell ?


Which DE are you using? If you’re on Gnome then use gtk. If you’re on Plasma then use kde. If you’re on something else then it’ll depend.

Actually, looking at that output, I doubt the choice matters much. I’d suggest trying the default (1) first.

I use the pamac-aur-git. The maintainer of it is a regular on this forum, and well… it is maintained well enough that he’s not ashamed telling us about it :stuck_out_tongue:

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So the solution to “What is the app that i can download new apps fr repo” is – a version of vim? :thinking:


better ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Vim is NOT used for downloading software…

hmm. it is late here… or rather early here… 1 am… i must be confused… ok i delete it. anyway it is solved.

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I’m like that 24/7.


must sleep more else. brain will suffer. bye guys…

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Since you mentioned, btw, snap in your first post, EnOS doesn’t come with flatpak or snapd installed by default like Manjaro, but you can install either one of them yourself if you need/want to.


Most stuff you’re looking for is going to be in the AUR, but in case it’s an older version in there or whatever, you have options.