What is a good joystick for Linux?

Thinking of upping the game so to speak, and start using a joystick to play x4 instead of the keyboard and mouse. How hard is it to configure a joystick in EOS? Are there ones that work better than others? I would like to get the Hotus X.

Is there no one who has any input, (pun intended), on joysticks for linux gaming? Can I assume today’s Linux, (EOS), is prepared to reliably detect, and drive an arbitrary input device such as a joystick?

I don’t have experience with joysticks, sadly. I only have experience with controllers. On both Windows and Linux, I’ve noticed that controllers with XInput support are very good. They usually emulating a Xbox 360 Controller, which is universally supported everywhere on PC, it seems.

I have no problem with basic sticks, 3 axes, a few buttons.

The problem lies with programmable sticks like my Saitek X45. The programming software will actually run using wine but can never find the hardware. I have exactly the same problem with my A4Tech G800V keyboard.
My thoughts are : don’t spend hundreds on fancy tech if the software lets us down in Linux.