What i did bad?

hellO Endeavourosian,

as i want to use a virtual display for sunshine (in order to use sunshine when my screen are off), i add the idea to set a X11 DE (as my plasma X11 is laggy…) because can’t find a non x11 solution tu get a virtual display :stuck_out_tongue:

So i use

eos-packagelist --install “i3-Window-Manager”

Then disconnect, launch i3 and small “pop-up” as me 2 things and i mean i did a mistake, because there is no file except config in ~/.config/i3

in the github repo, they’re is many based config file and a theme… so i thinks a i did a mistake or ?

thanks a lot before all !

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The files in .config are installed when creating a new user. So if you install after the fact, you will not get those files.

However, they are installed in /etc/skel and you can just copy them into your user directory.


Great thank you. i’ll do it !

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