What do former Manjaro users like about EOS?

I need to try because pamac is also libalmp based , there was discussed to pass it to pacman-contrib …but probay test it

Sorry, the word “with” was accidentally left out of my sentence above.

I just updated my EndOs install and it struck me! I didn’t have to edit /etc/pacman.conf It came properly equipped with ILoveCandy
Thanks forward thinking Devs.
In both Manjaro and Arch I was burdened with this task.


I had to disable it since I like the ########## more :grin:

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It is more like the game with cCc …
Each to their own.

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Actually it’s an EASTER EGG. These are things you discover, that add something to your computing experience (like doing ls, and then sl in a terminal).

They’re not something I think should be included out of the box.


Basically a distro such as this caters to two kinds of people: The ones moving towards a pure Arch install and those on the way back.
I have installed Arch. Did it one week after my first Linux install in 12 years (which incidentally was Antergos). I have done it two more times.
I, too, have concluded that 1) It is not all that difficult but 2) It is annoying and quite frankly unnecessary except for bragging purposes. Cue EndeavourOS.


Same here. I’ve had vanilla Arch installed on my main machine a couple of times. And it’s brilliant insofar as you can dictate precisely what is installed and how. However when having to format, or distro hop to come back, installing Arch the Arch Way™ is a pain.

That’s why I love Endeavour, because it’s vanilla Arch without the tediously long and dry installation process, with a few added goodies thrown in for good measure :smiley:


Hi I’m a new user here and I haven’t installed Endeavor yet, but I have a feeling I will be changing some systems out with endeavor and others with MX Linux. The last straw for me was when the community I came to Manjaro for seemed to fall apart. I love these arch made simple type distros and I always love helping people solve problems on Linux! So I have a feeling I’ll love the community here as well as the amazing distro you all have helped put together/maintain! By the way, @nadb sent me here :slight_smile:


Haha! Goals! I’d love to see the output of sudo fdisk -l or blkid I find that with the rEFInd boot manager, dual boot is a breeze! I currently dual boot Linux and opencore (hackintosh loader)

Hi slayerproof32 I remember you from Manjaro. You’ll find a good home here. A bit chit-chaty with honest and smart friends.
Happy trails…


Oh my gosh! Hi! I was kind of depressed when I started a post on Manjaro’s new forum asking for a general discussion tab and it turned into “the new forum is only tech support. Please go elsewhere for chit chat” so I went elsewhere and with some help, I found this distro :slight_smile:


Welcome to the fun :balloon: :tada:

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They banned those over at Manjaro… I tried to start one there and it was closed within 30 mins

Wow I should really stop mentioning what that forum isn’t anymore and focus on what endeavours forum is. Happy to be here :slight_smile:


I installed EndOs on top of Manajro and Arch on my ooold laptop. Did the os-prober steps. Lost the “proprietary” manjaro grub … but the Endeavor grub works perfectly. Best grub replacement ever.


I may be in the minority, but chit chat is the very reason I seek out any Linux forum, at this stage in my Linux journey.

I’m generally able to solve my own Linux problems, through brute-force information gathering. But I’m not yet comfortable enough to actually help other people solve those same problems, that would involve doing a lot of unnecessary trial and error in public. But in all likelihood, I’ll some day be at the point where I can help more in a practical manner. On the other hand, if there’s something linux related I’m actually comfortable helping with, I don’t hesitate to do so, in periods where I’m online a lot.

In the mean time, socializing with like-minded people, having a good time, talk Linux, talk trivia, being part of the community, is the very reason I seek a linux forum.

Any Linux distro I’m running that has a forum that allows both community stuff and actual help request solving, I want to be a part of.


Let’s just forget the Manjaro forum. Yes, some of us spent a lot of time and effort there, which is now lost, but that forum is gone. Dead. It died the moment they got rid of Jonathon. The new forum is nothing like the old forum, the only entertaining thing about it is watching the trainwreck in slow motion, and that gets old quickly.

The purpose of the off topic chit chat is to build friendly relationships between users (community) and to give people a reason to come back to the forum even if they do not have a technical problem, because there have to be people there to do the technical support for free, and the only way to keep them there is to make it fun for them. If you say: this is a Linux support forum, take your chit chat to Reddit, the only result will be that people without a technical problem will go to Reddit for chit chat, which is the last thing you want if you’re running a Linux support forum.

They’ll figure this out the hard way, but that’s none of my problem:


So, let’s just stop bringing up the Manjaro forum, like a girlfriend that always talks about her ex. This is not polite towards the users of this forum who have been here much longer than we have, and do not want to listen to our whining. Let’s focus our efforts on this forum, to help make it fun and enjoyable for everyone here, and to help each other out with any difficulties we might have with our Arch-based OS.



Maybe I should have bold typed Honest:upside_down_face: This is after all a social media platform, it is what made manjaro … sad how they lost their way. Endeavour feels pretty good.
Your avatar is familiar … :thinking:


Or the stud talking about that bitch?

Any way you certainly gave a lot to that forum. I gave what I could. The point is there is a bitterness after a relationship ends…
That needs to be recognized and excepted. Some of us can not just “go to your room”


Yes, we’ve been whining. And that is not very polite, being that this is our new home.

This whining stuff will die out by itself, and I predict sooner rather than later, as people forget, move on and get more and more absorbed in Endeavor Linux.

I hope we all can manage the transition with minimum frustration venting, and adjust quickly. This will soon be over in any case, as we adapt and settle in our new home!