What are you listening to right now?

I considered posting this song to the Little Joke on a Regular Day thread because, except for the humorous lyrics and delivery, this song doesn’t have much point. Nevertheless, I think it is a great song, so I post it here. This recording was made in the 1950s, but it was not released until after Ivor Cutler’s death in 2006; hence, the EP’s title, Singing While Dead.

These lyrics make me laugh

I’ve a hole in my head, dentist
Please stuff it up with teeth
Put one set on the top, dentist
And another set underneath

Then when breakfast comes I’ll know
I can eat two breakfasts at one go

I’ve a boot on my foot, doctor
Please take it off right away
If you can’t take it off tomorrow
Please take it off today

Then when breakfast comes I’ll know
I can eat my breakfast using every toe

I’ve a yen for a painting, painter
Please paint me something good
Make the background a snow scene, painter
And the foreground a plate of food

Then when breakfast comes I’ll know
I can eat my breakfast sitting in the snow

There’s a straw in your field, farmer
Please chop it down for me
I shall use it for drinking my liquor
Lemonade, coffee or tea

Then when breakfast comes I’ll know
I can sip my coffee very, very slow[ly]

Listen for a few seconds after the lyrics end and you’ll hear yet another joke.

Ivor Cutler referred to himself as an Oblique Musical Philosopher.