What app do you wish for?

Maybe it has already been developed, and I/you just don’t know about it yet, but someone else does…
Besides a digital fountain of youth :roll_eyes:I wish for an updater app that instead of verbose screen output it shows the update progress by a line drawing being drawn. A complete line drawing with no broken lines or red marks implies a successful update. The number to cpu threads determine the number of drawing points, and so on…

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How about an aRPG that doesn’t one-shot you from off the screen? On a serious note, I would love to see an app that would allow users to soft reboot after kernel/driver updates.

dear santa:

*a terminal command that only lists CLI apps installed. we could call it cli list.

*a self-CVE auditor for Flatpaks so I (and others) could be more confident of their Flatpaks. Do not write this in the Klingon language. No offense to Klingons.

*a Maldet, Lynis, or Tiger AV/MW written for laymen in plain language and speaks to the user in plain language and instead of flagging false positives maybe it could say this is likely a false positive because _____. Maybe some plain language suggestions on why things were flagged, what they could be or likely are not. Maybe these could be written distro-specific in regards to evaluating filesystems so program will flag less and see "ok this is how arch normally sets the hierarchy so this is normal’ instead going all fire drilly,

*a true CLI videoplayer. I love you ytfzf but forcing MPV to pop up is defeating the purpose if one is feeling minimalistic. How 'bout a player that is embedded or opens in the terminal? Can it be done?

*a truly innovative and extremely secure browser that is not based on Mozilla or Chrome. Epiphany and others have failed us in that regard and I love epiphany and I love lite browsers but they don’t reach high enough and their limitations are noticeable.

That’s all for now. I wasn’t very good this year by my standards but I always tipped well and was gracious wherever I went. See you in a few months I hope, DV

A chat app similar to Discord in features, but with actual Linux support. Great if it will be open source too, but I can be fine without it being open source.

A ventoy assistant app that could update the isos placed on it to the most recent release as well as an inbuilt way to download iso’s and immediate place them in ventoy.

This is talking about MX Linux, but I think ventoy has a persistence mode.


You might want to look into netboot.xyz.

I have also wished for this, but settled for doing a sweep once a month for changed versions for now.

Having gigabit fibre makes even the chunkiest of ISOs less of a pain to grab so it’s not so bad.

Irfanview! Notepad++! Foobar2000!
Yeah, I know there are plenty of similar programms, but for me personally those 3 are just better. And I use them on my work laptop, which comes with the dreaded Redmond stuff…


I wish for Musicbee music player from Windows to be on Linux. Best music player. I tried using WINE an even Steam to run it but it doesn’t work properly even though it does run and play the music, it with delayed bar animations etc so I just didn’t trust it even though it does run. Using Strawberry music player currently (For audio quality) after looking through loads and even installed 9 different music players to test.

Edit: Found a music player called Fooyin and the AUR, looking pretty good so far as an alternative, and Good sound quality too, no different to Strawberry from what I can tell (And yes I could tell with some others and isn’t placebo). Fooyin is not as Good as Music but otherwise perfectly fine for what’s available on Linux, I am aware Fooyin is a Linux project recreating Foobar, which on Windows I actually switched from Foobar to Musicbee.

I have one windows app that I pretty much can not do without, (Autodesk Inventor), that I run on Linux. Maybe you have considered a virtual machine? I do not allow it to use internet, so I cannot attest to that aspect, but I can do some pretty graphic intensive cad with it and system handles it well. I can’t imagine a music player being very hard on the system. It’s a round about way, but it does give me the best of both worlds so to speak…

A persistent ventoy thumb drive would allow changes to be made and saved. Im no programmer, but seems to me that the only thing needed in regards to updating an iso is making a script for checking for a newer version, download if one is located, and removing the older version, (maybe give option to remove rather than automatically removing.) I don’t even mess with scripts, so maybe I’m missing something :thinking:


Interesting you mention this, I am having a bit of a battle so far with getting Photoshop, Affinity photo, and Rebelle 7 art software to work.

I got Virt QEMU/KVM installed and setup with two VMs on it, one is Windows 11 and the other Windows 10. So far on the Windows 11 one (Which I managed to install with no web account, hardware requirements or internet via CMD access) I have Photoshop Installed, Affinity, and Rebelle. And my VPN doesn’t allow the VM to reach the internet so other than installing Photoshop I shouldn’t need it.

The issue I have is with Affinity it crashes when making a new document. With Photoshop when running it displays a window saying graphics processor is unavailable and GPU shows as windows basic render device, which I suspect is the same issue the other two programs have.

I have the Virtio drivers from Redhat installed so 3D acceleration is enabled and Display OpenGL is enabled in VM settings. From what I gather the only way I may get Photoshop working is via GPU pass-through, which appears to be complicated so I would need a good backup method setup first. Is this a similar setup to what you have, or are you using a completely different VM software?

Well, personally, as sometime ago we had google desktop search (it was thought then how come google enable you to search the internet but not search your own files) and as I intensively use AI (like ChatGPT and Phind), I wish for an app like the websites but:

  • it is installed on my laptop.
  • it reads all my files or the files I tell it to read and learn from it real time
  • scrapes the web for updated data and info (to update probably old data I have on a spreadsheet for example), say a dividend of a company, a stock price, an alternative medicine to what I have in my prescription… etc.
  • I dream I can ask it a question and it answers me considering my own personal data in addition to what it was trained on, the data it gets real time from the internet, and answer me accordingly.

I think of for example asking the installed AI how best to maximize my passive income from dividends and interest. As it has read my data, it can tell me to sell n of the stock “A” at about xx $, buy m quantity of stock “B” at yy $, and so on.

Or it can read my blood tests, prescriptions, tell me how my diabetes is doing based on historical tests and prescriptions. Maybe remind me I need to double check anew with the doctor because it has been so long since last blood test!

I am thinking of an app that already does this. Just an app that I don’t mind take my question, go to the training data on the web, and what it learned from my documents and web scrapping results and just answer me.

Anything like this already there?
(By the way, I know what many might think of me and think of AI, but well, with all my due respect, when the internet and email came out people “screamed” postmen will lose their jobs, book publishers and printers will go out of business, but it actually created way more jobs for both.)

Human development as usual.

Searching I found this https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/chat-with-rtx-available-now/

Can this be the answer? Anybody tried it? User experience highly appreciated.