Welcome Update Mirrors option missing


I have other installs where there is another button in Welcome app showing Update Mirrors (Endeavour) and here I only have ‘Update Mirrors (Arch)’.

My system is up to date (Wecome v3-43-1).

Why would that be ?

As well, how can I twitch the delay before Welcome appears on launch ?

Thanks a lot !

Cheers !

yay -S eos-rankmirrors

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Edit the welcome.desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart, comment out option
--startdelay=3 or make the value as 0.

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possible to add it as dropin too:
cp /etc/xdg/autostart/welcome.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
and edit file as user :wink:
nano ~/.config/autostart/welcome.desktop or use your prefered editor…


Since no information was given by the OP, let me give this as a possible solution. Not Likely, but possible.

If the missing “Missing Mirrors option” is on an ARM device, that option will not appear in Welcome as ARM devices use a totally different set of mirrors.


Sorry. I posted before I re-read the OP. After doing so, I realize this is a different problem.
I guess I picked the wrong week to stop drinking coffee.


To stop drinking coffee is wrong, says a caffeine addict :coffee: :yum:

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Hey !

Thanks to all, unfortunately I can mark only one post as solution… thanks a lot @joekamprad @manuel @Pudge @pebcak !

Cheers !


@Pudge I did stop coffee last week btw!!! …and, well… I’m drinking so much black tea now ! :upside_down_face:

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