Wayland GNOME and AMD/NVIDIA hybrid graphics

Hi there, I’m new to Endeavour (but have been using Arch on other computers for awhile). I just picked up a new Asus ProArt p16 Laptop with AMD and NVIDIA hybrid graphics. I did a clean install of EOS and then ran nvidia-inst --prime to install the proprietary drivers. So far so good, I’ve got GNOME and GDM on Xorg, and everything appears to be working. Is it possible to use Wayland with this configuration? If not, is there some reason I should care? Pretty happy with the current setup, just don’t want to get stuck in a dead-end with Xorg.

I’ve reviewed several posts here (and the Arch wiki) about getting the correct drivers and kernel parameters and module options and udev rules and none of those options helped.

I reviewed the udev rules in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules and it appears the intent there is to prevent wayland sessions if hybrid graphics are in use “# If this is a hybrid graphics laptop with vendor nvidia driver, disable wayland”. Which seems to indicate that it just isn’t an option right now. If I follow the guidance elsewhere to disable these rules ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules I just get a black screen and I don’t see any logs that help identify what’s going on.

Currently, my kernel params are:

nvidia-drm.modeset=1 nvidia-drm.fbdev=1 

Here’s a link to inxi output:


Normally the default log in on Gnome is Wayland? Did you purposely log in under X11?

The gear icon that would normally allow me to choose is missing. I think this is because of the udev rules that set WaylandEnable to false

That may be then? I see it’s one of the Max Q. I’m not an experienced user of Gnome with this hardware.

Disabling the udev rules and getting Wayland enabled is easy enough, it just results in a black screen and I can’t figure out where to look next to troubleshoot

Just looking at the Arch wiki it should default to Wayland. :man_shrugging:

For older NVIDIA drivers (in between version 470 and 510), GDM has chipset-dependent udev rules to use Xorg rather than Wayland. To force-enable Wayland, instead of following the three regular steps above, override these rules by creating the following symlink:

ln -s /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules


Edit: It also say’s in case of black screen to disable integrated graphics.

You’re right, and I have used that command and that’s how I end up with the black screen. My bios doesn’t have an option to disable integrated graphics unfortunately

I actually get the same thing with KDE/SDDM. Just boots to a black screen

Are you sure? :thinking:

yes, I just tried it. When it gets to the black screen the only place I can think to look is
journalctl -b -u sddm
but I don’t see anything helpful there

Edit: or -u gdm when using gdm

I can’t believe the manuals thay put out for these laptops. They hardly give any information what so ever. :unamused:

I meant are you sure it does have a way to disable integrated graphics in the bios?

Been through every option, and there aren’t many. The only thing related to graphics at all is unified memory size which allows auto,1,2,4,or 8. no option to disable

The manual doesn’t show anything related other than how to get into Bios.

My personal opinion is you have amdgpu integrated graphics and it should work on Wayland and be able to switch to nvidia and also work on Wayland. I say should be able to work … :wink:

That’s what I was hoping for. it looks like even though I used the prime drivers and the mode is set to hybrid my default device is the NVIDIA GPU. can’t seem to change that

It shouldn’t be though according to what i read the way it’s supposed to work. You didn’t set an environmental variable to use DRI_PRIME= ?


Maybe another Gnome user with similar hardware has an answer or knowledge.

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Hey! How has been the Linux experience with your Proart P16? About to buy one, but I’ve seen mixed experienced with non-working Bluetooth or Fn keys and a few things. Would love to hear your experience :slight_smile: