Watch Bob Ross 'The joy of painting' in chronological order

When Bob Ross was on TV in Germany, back in the late eighties and early nineties on Bayern 3, it was always a cool experience. First watching Bob Ross, then Space Night. Arriving home completely drugged up but only sleeping after 3 more joints as soon as everything was over. Pretty glorious times.

I love him, Happy painting my friend :art: :paintbrush: :framed_picture:


When Bod Ross did the first stroke I thought this I can do as well. Starting with his second stroke I realized I was wrong. :rofl:


Duuuuuuuude. You seem to had the same youth as I did. Went to rock concerts or raves or parties, and ALWAYS Bob Ross into Space Night as chill out!

Bob is a true gem of humankind, tyvm for sharing!

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The first time we saw Space Night and we were flashed. From then on it was our ‘bedtime ritual’

Yea, but only the cool guys. Other were suffering drunk :rofl:

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amazing artist i love his stuff (Bob Ross)

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Bob Ross made painting look ‘easy’. His use of the ‘brush’ and the way he mixed his ‘oils’ or acrylics blending the colors to the exact hue was interesting. Cranking out a picture in half an hour was also amazing. I enjoyed watching many of his television ‘episodes’. He was truly talented in what he loved doing. . .

Rich :wink:


he was ASMR before ASMR


Bob Ross was that eras version of the video fireplace and nothing more. :fire: :fire: :fire:

O you sweet summer child :smiley: