Welcome to Endeavour. As being based on Arch, you will reguarly get .pacnew and .pacsave files. It is up to you how you want to handle them. They are always a manual intervention on your part.
I wrote this for people who are new and don’t know how to do basic maintenance. It may help.
I’m a complete idiot - so here’s my guide for you!
It has been asked a lot, and fairly frequently recently it seems, especially by new Endeavour/new to Linux users. It was recently asked that I post how I update - so here it is.
“How do I maintain / update / upgrade my system?!? Help!!”
This is my maintenance plan. I have been using the same install for almost 2 years now without any major issue. I’m VERY aware there’s more than one way to do this. And most importantly -
Many of these c…
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