Wanted: EndeavourOS KDE install/live media

Unfortunately, we’re not the distro for everybody.

You say you want a live .iso so she can TRY plasma, BUT, you also said it’s the only thing she’s going to run because you’re the system maintainer. . .

What’s to try then? Just install EOS to her system the way you want to maintain it then??

It really sounds to me like you just want to complain and cry for something that isn’t going to happen. You’ve been told you can create your own iso…

If it’s just a trial for mom, give her a live KaosOS media and let her try it out and then just install EOS after.

Or keep posting asking for a specific solution you can’t have instead of using one several already made available to you.

/Thread. It’s solved.


Already recommended, and rejected. The OP does not seem to want any constructive suggestions.


why no ask her want she want ! :blush: or show how to install from iso
( she can pick what like )

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You see how she reacts to suggestions … :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t know whether that is unfortunate or fortunate, but regardless, it is a fact.

There is no one-distro-fits-all.


Linux mint.

Prove me wrong. (it’s even the right color).

Thanks everybody.
I will unfollow my own topic now, so you may post whatever you like here.

Pointless exercise … @mod pls close


The colour is good, I’ll grant you that! :slight_smile:

It also has the best attitude towards snaps out of any distro ever.

So yeah, it’s a great distro.

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Always fun and long topics when J arrives…

I will close this now. @Jeannie if you want it reopened at some point feel free to message me.

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