Waiting for i3wm
coming soon join us for help here:
No time
but inspired by Karl Schneider this is all I can give
Can’t edit first post.
So, reminder and link to the original from the stunning silhouette of the Space Shuttle Endeavour over earths horizon, photo shot from the ISS.
Aha, looks like some cool wallpapers will come our way? Welcome over here @SGS…
Nothing is impossible
In case I haven’t mentioned it,
Happy New Year
This is awesome!
Schade, kann hier meine Überschrift nich mehr ändern in
nur 24 Stunden lang oder geht es wieder mit TL3 oder ähnlichem?
Falls hier begnadete Blender Künstler sind oder der Logo designer, ich bekomme es, bisher, nicht hin das Segel schön abzurunden.
If there are talented dazzling artists or the logo designer, I don’t get it, so far, to round the sail nicely.
Pity, can’t change my headline here into
Wallpapers and other stuff
only for 24 hours or is it possible again with TL3 or similar?
Wow your wallpapers are gorgeous!!!
Vielen Dank fĂĽr die Ă„nderung @joekamprad
Thanks for the change.
Merci pour le changement.
de nada !
It was really tough hanging from a piton and trying to focus the camera. I hope you guys appreciate what I went through for a wallpaper.
Don’t moderators have the possibility to open their own thread?
I use Mac OSX also, even an old XP to repair my car, is it forbbiden ?
I was using a Commodore 64 younger…
This picture is beautiful peace of nature. Thanks @Pudge.
He wrote that he took the photo himself, that’s what my, really, referred to.
Why doesn’t he open his own thread?
But that will probably remain unanswered.