Void - differences from EOS? Also experiences with void

Void doesn’t come with KDE. Yet. (check it out)

During the spring and for a few months I checked it out. During that time XFCE was the only D.E. it supported, and it had a text-mode installer that looked like that of Slackware. It was a bit confusing to get out of the screen where the user chooses the “main” partition and which file system it should get.

First of all I chose “musl” version because I was curious about it. But my bad habits out of Windoze compelled me to want Wine on that installation. Discovered with a lot of dismay that Wine could be had in 64-bit only, and no Windows installers worked. It was depressing. I wanted to go further but my idea of enjoying Linux isn’t only to go browsing the web, looking at photos and writing simple computer programs. :confused:

So I tried a second time with “glibc”. It was OK but requires manual intervention sometimes. I forgot what I had to do to put a volume icon on the taskbar, probably install “pavucontrol”? Nothing to complain about Wine, 32-bit as well as 64-bit, and I was able to run what I think is the most demanding Windoze program although now it’s 11 years old. Previously I couldn’t even use it because is installer had to be executed first.

In the last two times I ran “xbps-install” it finished chugging along which turned me off.

Maybe I’ll try again but I’m not in a hurry. Either Fedora 39 or Void before my Internet subscription runs out.