Upgrading lapack breaks KDE spectacle

Upgrading lapack breaks KDE spectacle

As title states, upgrading extra/lapack from 3.12.0-5 to 3.12.1-1 causes extra/spectacle (24.12.1-1) to crash on launch with the following error:

spectacle: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/liblapack.so.3: undefined symbol: taa_

Reverting this upgrade immediately resolves this crash.

It seems to have been reported, I would just hold off updating until it is resolved.
Btw Welcome to the forum


Thanks! I appreciate that link, never saw that come up while searching for a way to contact/alert maintainers of extra/* packages!

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To check for current bugs


I feel dumb now, looked at that page and completely overlooked that. Thanks for pointing that out!

Too easy mate

Alongside Spectacle, I’m glad I have Flameshot installed.

To keep this thread updated, it the issue is now being tracked here: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/lapack/-/issues/3


The problem is now solved with lapack 3.12.1-2. Spectacle works as usual again.


i didn’t know it either… until now :slight_smile: love learning new things though

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