Update problem (GPME error: No data)

i did this

####                                              ####
###        EndeavourOS Repository Mirrorlist       ###
####                                              ####
#### Entry in file /etc/pacman.conf:
###     [endeavouros]
###     SigLevel = PackageRequired
###     Include = /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist
### Tip: Use the 'eos-rankimirrors' program to rank
###      these mirrors or re-order them manually.

## Germany
#Server = https://mirror.alpix.eu/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
#Server = https://de.freedif.org/EndeavourOS/repo/$repo/$arch
#Server = https://mirror.moson.org/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## Sweden
#Server = https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
#Server = https://mirror.linux.pizza/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## Canada
#Server = https://ca.gate.endeavouros.com/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## China
#Server = https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## Singapore
#Server = https://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
#Server = http://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## France
#Server = https://endeavour.remi.lu/repo/$repo/$arch

## South Korea
#Server = https://mirror.funami.tech/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

# Results of mirror ranking at (UTC) 06/01/22 04:44:03:
# The following fields are shown for each mirror:
#   mirror:          The mirror address
#   update-level:    Ordinal number of the latest update (larger is newer)
#   fetch-time:      Measures the speed of the mirror (smaller is faster)
# mirror                                                             update-level  fetch-time
# https://mirror.funami.tech/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch            1176          0.420747
# https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch  1176          0.602221
# https://de.freedif.org/EndeavourOS/repo/$repo/$arch                1176          0.905102
# https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch         1176          0.948932
# http://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch                1176          1.314130
# https://endeavour.remi.lu/repo/$repo/$arch                         1176          1.321978
# https://ca.gate.endeavouros.com/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch       1176          1.376193
# https://mirror.linux.pizza/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch            1176          2.089185
# https://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch               1176          5.171062
# https://mirror.moson.org/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch              1176          5.662822
# https://mirror.alpix.eu/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch               1176          5.809706

# EndeavourOS mirrorlist:
#Server = https://mirror.funami.tech/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://de.freedif.org/EndeavourOS/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = http://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://endeavour.remi.lu/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://ca.gate.endeavouros.com/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirror.linux.pizza/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirror.moson.org/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirror.alpix.eu/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

and still get the same problem

[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
[sudo] password for caviezel: 
error: GPGME error: No data
:: Synchronising package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community                                  6,1 MiB   545 KiB/s 00:11 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 multilib is up to date
 endeavouros                               24,2 KiB  16,5 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------] 100%
error: GPGME error: No data
error: failed to synchronize all databases (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ 

there is also another MATLAB file containing funami in it

[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ cd /etc/pacman.d
[caviezel@Nicolas pacman.d]$ ls
endeavouros-mirrorlist                      endeavouros-mirrorlist.pacnew  hooks       mirrorlist.bak
endeavouros-mirrorlist.2022.01.06-11.44.03  gnupg                          mirrorlist  mirrorlist.pacnew
[caviezel@Nicolas pacman.d]$ 

Try again to upgrade both mirrors:

From the Welcome program, launch Update mirrors, select a few neighbouring countries in addition to your own and from the drop-down menu (Sort by) select Score and then OK.

Then command line: eos-rankmirrors

And then sudo pacman -Syyu

more problem bro…

[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ eos-rankmirrors
Fetching https://gitlab.com/endeavouros-filemirror/PKGBUILDS/-/raw/master/endeavouros-mirrorlist/endeavouros-mirrorlist ...
Ranking EndeavourOS mirrors, please wait ...
####                                              ####
###        EndeavourOS Repository Mirrorlist       ###
####                                              ####
#### Entry in file /etc/pacman.conf:
###     [endeavouros]
###     SigLevel = PackageRequired
###     Include = /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist
### Tip: Use the 'eos-rankmirrors' program to rank
###      these mirrors or re-order them manually.

## Germany
#Server = https://mirror.alpix.eu/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
#Server = https://de.freedif.org/EndeavourOS/repo/$repo/$arch
#Server = https://mirror.moson.org/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## Sweden
#Server = https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
#Server = https://mirror.linux.pizza/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## Canada
#Server = https://ca.gate.endeavouros.com/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## China
#Server = https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## Singapore
#Server = https://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
#Server = http://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

## France
#Server = https://endeavour.remi.lu/repo/$repo/$arch

# Results of mirror ranking at (UTC) 31/01/22 12:25:32:
# The following fields are shown for each mirror:
#   mirror:          The mirror address
#   update-level:    Ordinal number of the latest update (larger is newer)
#   fetch-time:      Measures the speed of the mirror (smaller is faster)
# mirror                                                             update-level  fetch-time              
# ~~~~~~                                                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~              
# https://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch               835           0.175098                
# http://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch                404           page        not  found  9.033272
# https://de.freedif.org/EndeavourOS/repo/$repo/$arch                1236          0.673077                
# https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch         1236          0.718909                
# https://endeavour.remi.lu/repo/$repo/$arch                         1236          0.816790                
# https://mirror.alpix.eu/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch               1236          0.927839                
# https://ca.gate.endeavouros.com/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch       1236          2.325301                
# https://mirror.moson.org/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch              1236          2.801727                
# https://mirror.linux.pizza/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch            1236          3.053789                
# https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch  1235          0.968095                

# EndeavourOS mirrorlist:
Server = https://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = http://mirror.jingk.ai/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://de.freedif.org/EndeavourOS/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://endeavour.remi.lu/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirror.alpix.eu/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://ca.gate.endeavouros.com/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirror.moson.org/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirror.linux.pizza/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch
Server = https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/endeavouros/repo/$repo/$arch

Moving old EndeavourOS mirrorlist to /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist.2022.01.31-19.25.32.
Writing new ranked EndeavourOS mirrorlist to /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist.
Root Password: 

[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ sudo pacman -Syyu
[sudo] password for caviezel: 
error: GPGME error: No data
:: Synchronising package databases...
 core                                     138,5 KiB  30,1 KiB/s 00:05 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 extra                                   1554,0 KiB  64,3 KiB/s 00:24 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 community                                  6,1 MiB   111 KiB/s 00:56 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 multilib                                 149,0 KiB  19,1 KiB/s 00:08 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 endeavouros                               20,0 KiB  2035   B/s 00:10 [---------------------------------------] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from mirror.cyberbits.asia : Failed to connect to mirror.cyberbits.asia port 443 after 71 ms: Network is unreachable
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.cyberbits.asia : Failed to connect to mirror.cyberbits.asia port 443 after 83 ms: Network is unreachable
error: failed retrieving file 'multilib.db' from mirror.cyberbits.asia : Failed to connect to mirror.cyberbits.asia port 443 after 84 ms: Network is unreachable
warning: too many errors from mirror.cyberbits.asia, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.cyberbits.asia : Failed to connect to mirror.cyberbits.asia port 443 after 5545 ms: Network is unreachable
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from syd.mirror.rackspace.com : SSL connection timeout
error: GPGME error: No data
error: failed to synchronize all databases (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ 

Did you get that done? It needs to be run as a sudo.
Once you’ve done that, you can try the update again.
Are you using a VPN or proxy?

I’m running out of ideas. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
Let’s hope someone else has more ideas.

Got a few errors, but those are connection related, and i still continue

[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ sudo rm -r /var/lib/pacman/sync/
[sudo] password for caviezel: 
[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronising package databases...
 core                                     138,4 KiB  45,5 KiB/s 00:03 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 extra                                   1554,1 KiB   257 KiB/s 00:06 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 community                                  6,1 MiB   163 KiB/s 00:38 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 multilib                                 149,0 KiB  89,2 KiB/s 00:02 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 endeavouros                               20,0 KiB  58,4 KiB/s 00:00 [---------------------------------------] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from mirror.cyberbits.asia : Failed to connect to mirror.cyberbits.asia port 443 after 38 ms: Network is unreachable
error: failed retrieving file 'multilib.db' from mirror.cyberbits.asia : Failed to connect to mirror.cyberbits.asia port 443 after 38 ms: Network is unreachable
error: failed retrieving file 'core.db' from mirror.cyberbits.asia : Failed to connect to mirror.cyberbits.asia port 443 after 38 ms: Network is unreachable
warning: too many errors from mirror.cyberbits.asia, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'extra.db' from mirror.cyberbits.asia : Failed to connect to mirror.cyberbits.asia port 443 after 41 ms: Network is unreachable
:: Starting full system upgrade...
warning: downgrade: local (11.0.0-1) is newer than endeavouros (10.1.0-1)
warning: endeavouros-mirrorlist: local (4.4-3) is newer than endeavouros (4.0.3-1)
warning: endeavouros-theming: local (7.0-1) is newer than endeavouros (6.4-2)
warning: eos-apps-info: local (1.2.2-1) is newer than endeavouros (1.0.2-1)
warning: eos-bash-shared: local (1.10.30-1) is newer than endeavouros (1.9.8-1)
warning: eos-hooks: local (1.4.20-1) is newer than endeavouros (1.4.9-1)
warning: eos-log-tool: local (1.4.13-1.1) is newer than endeavouros (1.4.8-1)
warning: eos-rankmirrors: local (2.1.4-1) is newer than endeavouros (2.0.5-1)
warning: eos-translations: local (1.1.61-1) is newer than endeavouros (1.1.37-1)
warning: eos-update-notifier: local (1.14-2) is newer than endeavouros (1.13.7-1)
warning: grub-tools: local (1.6.6-1) is newer than endeavouros (1.6.5-1)
warning: grub2-theme-endeavouros: local (20211129-1) is newer than endeavouros (20210131-1)
warning: inxi: local ( is newer than endeavouros (
warning: reflector-simple: local (2021.12.31-1) is newer than endeavouros (2021.08.17-1)
warning: welcome: local (3.17.10-1) is newer than endeavouros (3.14.8-1)
warning: yay: local (11.1.0-1) is newer than endeavouros (10.3.1-2)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (61)                  Old Version        New Version        Net Change  Download Size

extra/accountsservice         0.6.55-3           22.04.62-2          -0,07 MiB               
extra/alsa-card-profiles      1:0.3.43-5         1:0.3.44-1           0,00 MiB               
core/archlinux-keyring        20220118-1         20220125-1           0,01 MiB               
core/curl                     7.81.0-1           7.81.0-2             0,00 MiB       1,10 MiB
core/elfutils                 0.186-2            0.186-3              0,00 MiB       0,56 MiB
core/expat                    2.4.3-1            2.4.4-1              0,00 MiB       0,11 MiB
extra/firefox                 96.0.2-1           96.0.3-1            -0,07 MiB               
extra/geoip-database          20211221-1         20220125-1           0,07 MiB               
extra/git                     2.35.0-1           2.35.1-1             0,00 MiB               
core/glib2                    2.70.2-2           2.70.3-1             0,00 MiB               
extra/gst-plugin-pipewire     1:0.3.43-5         1:0.3.44-1           0,00 MiB               
extra/imagemagick              0,00 MiB       2,60 MiB
community/iwd                 1.22-1             1.23-1               0,00 MiB               
extra/ktexteditor             5.90.0-1           5.90.0-2            -0,09 MiB       3,46 MiB
extra/ldb                     2:2.4.1-4          2:2.4.2-1            0,00 MiB       0,21 MiB
multilib/lib32-expat          2.4.3-1            2.4.4-1              0,00 MiB       0,07 MiB
multilib/lib32-glib2          2.70.2-1           2.70.3-1             0,05 MiB               
multilib/lib32-libcap         2.62-1             2.63-1               0,00 MiB               
multilib/lib32-libcups        2.4.0-1            2.4.1-1              0,00 MiB               
multilib/lib32-libgpg-error   1.43-1             1.44-1              -0,02 MiB               
multilib/lib32-mesa           21.3.4-1           21.3.5-1             0,00 MiB               
multilib/lib32-vulkan-radeon  21.3.4-1           21.3.5-1             0,00 MiB               
core/libcap                   2.62-1             2.63-1               0,00 MiB               
extra/libcups                 1:2.4.0-4          1:2.4.1-1            0,00 MiB               
core/libelf                   0.186-2            0.186-3              0,00 MiB       0,52 MiB
core/libgpg-error             1.43-1             1.44-1               0,03 MiB               
extra/libraqm                 0.8.0-1            0.9.0-1              0,01 MiB       0,03 MiB
core/linux                    5.16.2.arch1-1     5.16.4.arch1-1      -0,02 MiB     155,72 MiB
core/linux-headers            5.16.2.arch1-1     5.16.4.arch1-1       0,01 MiB      25,72 MiB
extra/mesa                    21.3.4-1           21.3.5-1             0,00 MiB               
extra/opencl-mesa             21.3.4-1           21.3.5-1             0,00 MiB               
extra/openexr                 3.1.3-1            3.1.4-1             -0,04 MiB               
extra/pipewire                1:0.3.43-5         1:0.3.44-1           0,09 MiB               
extra/qt5-base                5.15.2+kde+r294-1  5.15.2+kde+r296-1    0,01 MiB      12,93 MiB
extra/qt5-charts              5.15.2-1           5.15.2-2             0,07 MiB       0,62 MiB
extra/qt5-declarative         5.15.2+kde+r43-1   5.15.2+kde+r44-1     2,57 MiB       4,79 MiB
extra/qt5-graphicaleffects    5.15.2-1           5.15.2-2             0,00 MiB       0,07 MiB
extra/qt5-location            5.15.2-4           5.15.2-5            -2,01 MiB               
extra/qt5-multimedia          5.15.2-1           5.15.2-2            -0,08 MiB       0,74 MiB
extra/qt5-quickcontrols       5.15.2-1           5.15.2-2            -0,03 MiB       0,90 MiB
extra/qt5-quickcontrols2      5.15.2+kde+r10-1   5.15.2+kde+r11-1     0,00 MiB       1,51 MiB
extra/qt5-sensors             5.15.2-1           5.15.2-2             0,02 MiB               
extra/qt5-speech              5.15.2-1           5.15.2-2             0,00 MiB       0,05 MiB
extra/qt5-svg                 5.15.2+kde+r16-1   5.15.2+kde+r16-2     0,00 MiB       0,15 MiB
extra/qt5-tools               5.15.2+kde+r17-4   5.15.2+kde+r17-5    -1,47 MiB               
extra/qt5-wayland             5.15.2+kde+r45-1   5.15.2+kde+r46-2     0,00 MiB       1,06 MiB
extra/qt5-webchannel          5.15.2+kde+r5-1    5.15.2+kde+r5-2      0,00 MiB               
extra/qt5-webengine           5.15.8-1           5.15.8-5             0,12 MiB      48,52 MiB
extra/qt5-websockets          5.15.2+kde+r7-1    5.15.2+kde+r7-2      0,00 MiB       0,08 MiB
extra/qt5-x11extras           5.15.2-1           5.15.2-2             0,00 MiB       0,01 MiB
community/r8168               8.049.02-50        8.049.02-52          0,00 MiB       0,09 MiB
extra/smbclient               4.15.4-1           4.15.5-1            -0,02 MiB       6,94 MiB
core/systemd                  250.3-1            250.3-2              0,01 MiB       7,18 MiB
core/systemd-libs             250.3-1            250.3-2              0,00 MiB       0,61 MiB
core/systemd-sysvcompat       250.3-1            250.3-2              0,00 MiB       0,01 MiB
extra/tdb                     1.4.5-3            1.4.6-1              0,00 MiB       0,07 MiB
extra/vulkan-radeon           21.3.4-1           21.3.5-1             0,00 MiB               
extra/wayland-protocols       1.24-1             1.25-1               0,01 MiB       0,07 MiB
multilib/wine-staging         7.0rc5-1           7.0-1                0,17 MiB               
extra/xterm                   370-1              370-2               -0,02 MiB       0,42 MiB
core/zstd                     1.5.2-1            1.5.2-2              0,00 MiB               

Total Download Size:    276,92 MiB
Total Installed Size:  1754,14 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:        -0,62 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 

This might be it

still got some problem

[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronising package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
 endeavouros is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (4)                         Old Version  New Version  Net Change  Download Size

endeavouros/endeavouros-mirrorlist  4.4-3        4.4-4          0,00 MiB       0,01 MiB
endeavouros/eos-apps-info           1.2.2-1      1.2.3-1        0,00 MiB       0,33 MiB
endeavouros/eos-rankmirrors         2.1.4-1      2.2.2-1        0,00 MiB       0,02 MiB
endeavouros/welcome                 3.17.10-1    3.17.11-2      0,00 MiB       0,03 MiB

Total Download Size:   0,39 MiB
Total Installed Size:  0,61 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      0,01 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 eos-rankmirrors-2.2.2-1-any               16,9 KiB   112 KiB/s 00:00 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 welcome-3.17.11-2-any                     31,1 KiB   161 KiB/s 00:00 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 endeavouros-mirrorlist-4.4-4-any          12,6 KiB  54,1 KiB/s 00:00 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 eos-apps-info-1.2.3-1-any                337,5 KiB   662 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 Total (4/4)                              398,1 KiB   635 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'eos-apps-info-1.2.3-1-any.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.jingk.ai : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'endeavouros-mirrorlist-4.4-4-any.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.jingk.ai : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'eos-rankmirrors-2.2.2-1-any.pkg.tar.zst.sig' from mirror.jingk.ai : The requested URL returned error: 404
warning: too many errors from mirror.jingk.ai, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
warning: failed to retrieve some files
error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ 

another problems appeared

[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
[sudo] password for caviezel: 
:: Synchronising package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
 endeavouros is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (4)                         Old Version  New Version  Net Change  Download Size

endeavouros/endeavouros-mirrorlist  4.4-3        4.4-4          0,00 MiB       0,01 MiB
endeavouros/eos-apps-info           1.2.2-1      1.2.3-1        0,00 MiB       0,33 MiB
endeavouros/eos-rankmirrors         2.1.4-1      2.2.2-1        0,00 MiB       0,02 MiB
endeavouros/welcome                 3.17.10-1    3.17.11-2      0,00 MiB       0,03 MiB

Total Download Size:   0,39 MiB
Total Installed Size:  0,61 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:      0,01 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
:: Retrieving packages...
 eos-rankmirrors-2.2.2-1-any               16,9 KiB  17,5 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 endeavouros-mirrorlist-4.4-4-any          12,6 KiB  13,0 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 welcome-3.17.11-2-any                     31,1 KiB  25,7 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 eos-apps-info-1.2.3-1-any                337,5 KiB   262 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------] 100%
 Total (4/4)                              398,1 KiB   249 KiB/s 00:02 [---------------------------------------] 100%
(4/4) checking keys in keyring                                        [---------------------------------------] 100%
(4/4) checking package integrity                                      [---------------------------------------] 100%
error: endeavouros-mirrorlist: signature from "EndeavourOS <info@endeavouros.com>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/endeavouros-mirrorlist-4.4-4-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: eos-apps-info: signature from "EndeavourOS <info@endeavouros.com>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/eos-apps-info-1.2.3-1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: eos-rankmirrors: signature from "EndeavourOS <info@endeavouros.com>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/eos-rankmirrors-2.2.2-1-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: welcome: signature from "EndeavourOS <info@endeavouros.com>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/welcome-3.17.11-2-any.pkg.tar.zst is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n] 
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
[caviezel@Nicolas ~]$ 

I got same proble as you…
I tried this and it worked, hope this works for you too…:slightly_smiling_face:

sudo cp -f “/etc/pacman.conf” “/etc/pacman.conf.orig”
sudo sed -i ‘s/SigLevel.*/SigLevel = Never/’ /etc/pacman.conf
sudo pacman -Syy gnupg archlinux-keyring endeavouros-keyring
sudo mv -f “/etc/pacman.conf.orig” “/etc/pacman.conf”
sudo pacman -Syu

btw, I found this solution at Manjaro forum… The original commands in line 3 is :
sudo pacman -Syy gnupg archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring --ignore manjaro-system
But I changed the manjaro-keyring to endeavouros-keyring and not using last command (–ignore manjaro-system)
And hey, it’s solve the problem for me…


Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

I corrected under " signs, now your tip should work.

sudo cp -f "/etc/pacman.conf" "/etc/pacman.conf.orig"
sudo sed -i 's/SigLevel.*/SigLevel = Never/' /etc/pacman.conf
sudo pacman -Syy gnupg archlinux-keyring endeavouros-keyring
sudo mv -f "/etc/pacman.conf.orig" "/etc/pacman.conf"
sudo pacman -Syu

thanks mate, it worked

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thank you to you too mate

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I wonder now that the problem is fixed, the SigLevel shouldn’t be reverted to what it was before?

sudo mv -f "/etc/pacman.conf.orig" "/etc/pacman.conf"
This restored the original pacman.conf file and with it the SigLevels that were previously in use.


Sure, I missed that!

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