I am on EndevourOS KDE with a new laptop for only a couple of weeks and all worked well for me since a week ago. Since then boot takes minutes with a long stall between grub and seeing the login screen appear. I can log in normally but it takes a long time for the KDE environment to load. Dolphin takes a minute to start every time. It is all just slow with no indicator why.
So far I just reverted with Timeshift to before the updates and hoped the issue would get resolved. But it has been a week and not sure how to figure out what is causing my issues. I can’t see other reports of this. Please help
The xdg-desktop-portal service is not on status failed like in the posts shown. But they don’t really give a clear indicator on how to check or fix the issue, just that people are having problems. But with even login being slow I am not sure this could be it for my issue
running systemd-analyze shows no single thing that takes very long and it does not show me why normal application launches are taking minutes now. Starting an application like dolphin from terminal shows no problem, but just takes long like mentioned.
journalctl I believe shows what is causing my issue. systemd keeps trying and failing to run services for upower.server and plasma-powerdevil.service. repeating timeouts constantly. But trying to just stop those services via systemctl stop is not helping and can’t find anything online about it.
And it can’t be a hardware problem because if I switch back to before the updates via Timeshift, all works normal. But with like 300 packages updated in that week, I don’t know how to figure out what is causing my problems
I know one of these package changes is what is starting the problem. But I don’t know most of these and which of them could be a problem from before login to every application launch
after that reboot and see if boot time and Dolphin start are working normally.
If so, it narrows it down to
dkms - dynamic kernel module system
solid - hardware integration and detection
gjs, gobject-introspection, gobject-introspection-runtime, webkit2gtk - these packages are imho linked to the Gnome project rather than KDE
nss - network security service
usbmuxd - USB multiplex daemon for iPhones and other apple devices
kio-extras - some extra stuff for KDE’s resource and network abstraction
Those packages would have some potential to cause issues I guess. Why do you have this Gnome packages on your system? Did you switch DE’s at some point or do you need them for specific applications.
If Dolphin is the only application that is affected my bets would be on usbmuxd or kio-extras for causing the trouble.
In general you can update one after another and reboot in between to see which of these updates is causing your issues.
libgirepository libimobiledevice libplist are all requirements by upower and were somehow causing my issues. Updating these ended me unable to load up sddm proper. In a tty I removed and reinstalled them and upower (which I found had starting issues see post before). Then I did a proper update of the system still in tty and rebooted. Whatever was broken in my upower was fixed and now everything is up to date and running again. Thanks everyone to help me pin point the issue
If you were able to adequately investigate and interpret the logs, I am sure that you wouldn’t have asked for help here.
Post full logs and other terminal output as requested, so someone else may see some helpful message.