Update AUR packages

Hi! My question is that packages downloaded from the aur package repository are not updated. For example brave-beta and wavebox-beta browser. I wanted to update LibreOffice, but I couldn’t update that either. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you very much for your help in advance!


How are you updating?

If you type yay in a terminal that will update both repo and AUR packages.

Yes, yay.

Same flags as pacman, yay -Syu

You typed excluding packages 1-5 , so nothing gets installed that way , just hit enter.


You don’t need the flags, you can literally just type yay and press enter


Ah…ok, well I don’t actually use yay myself :wink: Or only once…

Thank you very much, that’s how I did it! :slightly_smiling_face:


that took me a couple updates to get my head around, early on :slight_smile: