Hi all, I’m quite new here. Have had my EOS/plasma/arch setup on a new computer for a few weeks, and the computer has been working just great.
I just started running into issues on Chrome (from AUR) with multiple web pages marking my chrome browser as unsupported, and in each case have been able to get around them in chromium. But, I have a bunch of password/bookmark/other data associated with my Chrome profile that I do not want to lose, and I’d like to stick with Chrome if I can.
Troubleshooting steps and info:
The websites giving me trouble thus far: Netflix, Slack web login, Overleaf docs
After the issues began, I updated Chrome, found newest version on the AUR, along with updating other AUR packages (yay -Syu)
Chrome vers. 133.0.6943.98-1
Chrome Version shown in Chrome “About” 133.0.6943.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Have tried every option in “User-Agent Switcher” extension on chrome to no avail, including disabling the extension. This agent switcher worked for issues that were confirmed linux related earlier this week (Xfinity streaming blocks linux clients) so I hoped it would do the trick.
Have tried disabling all extensions and reloading.
Slack docs showed that chrome versions >122 should work, so my default is totally fine
One post I found suggested to check my timedatectl and to run timedatectl set-ntp true , which has not changed anything.
Plasmashell version (if it helps) plasmashell 6.3.0
Kernel version 6.13.2-arch1-1
Please let me know if I can provide any other details to help diagnose or if you have any ideas!