Unallocated space before and after partitons on SSD

I am in the process of preparing a computer for EndeavourOS installation. The system itself will be on an SSD, home will be on an HDD. I found a preinstalled Manjaro, which I had automatically partitioned at the time (years ago). Before the first partition (boot/efi) about 2 MiB of unused space were left, after the last partition also something over 2 MiB, alignment after MiB. I know the sense of this with a classic HDD, but with an SSD it seems rather questionable to me. If I repartition this now, can I not just leave this unoccupied space?

If you are erasing everything anyway, just put a new GPT partition table on it and see what the installer does. It may or may not align the partitions in a similar way.

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I had Calamaris do an independent partitioning and it was created again leaving a small unoccupied space before the first and after the last partition. So I think it should be so and find my peace with it :innocent:

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3-years later… from search engine…

I just did a fresh installation and want to know the reasons for such unallocated space.

(screenshot is from live-iso though)

There is some reasoning behind this which the archwiki explains at least briefly. The unallocated space at the beginning of the partition is required when using GRUB for BIOS booting from a GPT partition. And the unallocated space at the end is to allow for converting a given partition scheme into GPT in the future. Best practices so to say. The loss of available storage capacity is essentially negligible.

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Mods please mark the above reply as the solution, thanks.

It is something Calamares (the installer) does intentionally. It has something to do with the GPT and UEFI spec, and also something about partition alignment. Here is a relevant discussion to read through if you are interested:

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