Unable to undelete a post

See image:

Hmm, that’s weird… :thinking:

See if you can restore the post when you click the orange pencil icon.

Hmm, quite strange–seems to be a bug. :face_with_monocle:

See if you can get past it by deleting and then un-deleting a different post (of your own). That seemed to do the trick for this other person who ran into the same thing: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/forum-tutorial-badges/21776/6 Definitely an old post, but maybe worth a shot.

I tried. Well, I am fine living without that feature :wink:

Why did you delete the post in this thread? This way it is hard to follow what the issue was without knowing the original thread.

I would’ve loved to know what the issue was/is for further investigation.

EDIT: I found the original thread but I can’t retrieve the original post anymore, so I don’t know why it was deleted by the system.

This is part of the forum’s Advanced Tutorial, it’s not an actual post in the forum.

An individual cannot complete the task in the tutorial because they cannot undelete a post, but they can just skip the step by replying “skip” to skip that task and complete the tutorial.


The screenshot refers to that, but it referred to a deleted post by the system in an existing thread, which I eventually found but can’t retrieve anymore.
As with many subjects on the forum, complete info is key to solving a problem. :wink:


The deleted post comes from a private message (not a post in the forum). The message comes from the system (@discobot) and is entitled, “Now that you’ve been promoted, it’s time to learn about some advanced features!”. All users get this message, unless they have checked the box that says “Skip new user onboarding tips and badges” in Settings > Interface.

It’s intentional, to help familiarize the user with how to undelete a post.

In this thread, it looks like if delete removed posts after is accidentally set to 0 it can cause this issue: https://meta.discourse.org/t/allow-more-precise-delete-removed-posts-after-timeframes/119467 @Bryanpwo maybe you can take a look if you get a chance?


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I deleted a post in this Thread and try to find out if I am able to undelete it.

So far, I am/was unable to fix the issue. There is no solution other than to accept, that I won’t be able to undelete my deleted posts.