Unable to set Profile picture in EOS KDE DE

They changed the version numbering with the most recent release so the old has a completely different version scheme.

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Ohā€¦okay! It does work now to change the profile pic.

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I just want to know how you keep track of all this stuff? :grin:

F.Y.I. I downgraded the accounstservice package and was able to change the profile pic. Now i updated the account service back to the current package and is still isnā€™t working after a reboot. :man_shrugging:

Edited Post

Did you reboot after updating?

yesā€¦ I think so? :thinking: Iā€™ll check when iā€™m done this vm.

Edit: I may have just logged out and back in? So maybe i fooled myself into thinking it still works.
Edit2: Okay you are right i didnā€™t reboot so it doesnā€™t work after i rebooted. :sob:


This issue is not yet fixed in accountsservice

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true the workaround here works however

Yup it is still not fixed.

Only solution we found was to downgrade the version. But itā€™s just a work around.

Waiting for packageā€™s authors to fix it in new release.

I tested this issue in new version of KDE 5.24 and it still exists :person_shrugging:

Joeā€™s answer in the post above will let you change it with the upgraded packages


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Thanks Joe, I am mentioning steps that I followed in case anyone else faces the same issue:


  1. Use built in package called downgrade. In case you donā€™t find it you can install it using sudo pacman -S downgrade
  2. Open terminal and type sudo downgrade accountsservice
  3. Select option 5 with version 0.6.55 . You need to type 5 and press Enter.
  4. Proceed with Installation: Press Y
  5. add accountsservice to IgnorePkg? : N
  6. Open Settings window (Incase it was already open, you will need to reopen it)
  7. Go to Users > Click on Avatar and select your profile pic. You will need to enter your admin password after that in the prompt.
  8. Now your profile picture is changed.
  9. Reboot your System and perform a System upgrade with yay
  10. All set. Enjoy your beautiful DP :blush:
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