Unable to find the source code

When i hit the download source (zip and/or tar) it only contains a next to empty README.md file

i.e README.md with only one line


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Oops, something went wrong here, we will address it as soon as possible. Thank you for pointing this out.
@joekamprad, @fernandomaroto

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Not sure if i understood… Do you mean github?
If so the isos are at “releases tag”

First, @senare Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your time here. :smile:

@fernandomaroto I think this is what @senare is talking about:
If you go to https://endeavouros.com/download/ then click on the big blue “Source code (zip)” button it downloads basically an empty zip file. I didn’t check the “Source code (tar.gz)” file.



Correct !

When I go to
and download from


I I don’t get the source code as I would have expected !

Thanx, I reg to report a bug ( but been using since release and works mighty fine, thanx !)

I did however find the source code in repo here https://github.com/endeavouros-team


Seems that the source code links are not right on the Download page.
But great that you already found the right link.

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For now, I removed the buttons from the download page until we internally agree on how we’re going to present the source code.
The buttons linked to two files on our download page, previously I linked the user to the entire download page.
I’ve changed that since there was some confusion about which of the ISO was our latest release and I created the buttons to the current release ISO and I did it (without checking) with the other files on the download page.

To keep you informed, I explain what happened and how we’re going to present the source code.

Every time we upload a new ISO on our Github page these downloadable source code files appear on our Github download page.
We assumed that this file was created automatically by the Github website software, so I made a button with a direct download link.

We know that we had to check it first, but like Joe said at the beginning of the project: We are rookies running and maintaining a distro. So our apologies for this silly mistake.

For those who are interested in our Source code and even want to give us feedback on our work, a link to the right page will be visible on the downloadpage.