Unable to add new Storage Location in Steam

OS: EndeavourOS
Kernel: 6.4.1-zen2-1-zen
Partition Type: EXT4

My issue is as follows:
Whenever I try to add a new disk/storage location to steam (via Steam Settings → Storage → the “+” button to add storage), it takes me directly to the Dolphin Portal to select a folder. When I choose a folder, nothing happens in steam, but when I look in the folder via Dolphin, a empty folder named steamapps has appeared if the folder was empty before.

I have tried to launch steam from the terminal, and here is the output from when I fist open the “+” button to add storage:

sh: line 1: /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/GameDrive1/.steam_exec_test.sh: Permission denied
Failed system("/home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/GameDrive1/.steam_exec_test.sh") in execute test: 32256
Couldn't write /efi/.steam_exec_test.sh: Permission denied
sh: line 1: /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Videoprojects/.steam_exec_test.sh: Permission denied
Failed system("/home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Videoprojects/.steam_exec_test.sh") in execute test: 32256
sh: line 1: /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Backups/.steam_exec_test.sh: Permission denied
Failed system("/home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Backups/.steam_exec_test.sh") in execute test: 32256
sh: line 1: /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/VirtualMachines/.steam_exec_test.sh: Permission denied
Failed system("/home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/VirtualMachines/.steam_exec_test.sh") in execute test: 32256
sh: line 1: /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Gamedrive2/.steam_exec_test.sh: Permission denied
Failed system("/home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Gamedrive2/.steam_exec_test.sh") in execute test: 32256

It seems to be a list of all of the directories that I have mounted a drive to.

Has anyone encountered this issue before?

It happened on my pure archinstall too (on same system), and has been a problem since the new Steam overhaul. The issue is present in both the stable and the beta branch of Steam. I have tried to install it both from the multilib aur and from flatpak.

Do your user own those mountpoints?

ls -al /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives

What is the filesystem? Could you show:

cat /etc/fstab


ls -al /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives outputs:

total 28
drwxr-xr-x  7 notqfthisworld notqfthisworld 4096 Jul  6 14:30 ./
drwx------ 21 notqfthisworld notqfthisworld 4096 Jul  6 16:55 ../
drwxr-xr-x  7 notqfthisworld notqfthisworld 4096 Jul  6 17:05 Backups/
drwxrwxrwx  3 notqfthisworld notqfthisworld 4096 Jul  6 17:05 GameDrive1/
drwxrwxrwx  3 root     root     4096 Jul  6 17:05 Gamedrive2/
drwxrwxrwx  3 root     root     4096 Jul  6 17:05 Videoprojects/
drwxr-xr-x  3 notqfthisworld notqfthisworld 4096 Jul  6 17:05 VirtualMachines/

cat /etc/fstab outputs:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may
# be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if
# disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system>             <mount point>  <type>  <options>  <dump>  <pass>
UUID=D0B6-683B                              /efi                                           vfat    noatime             0 2 
UUID=d8615f2d-16c3-4eed-82a6-480a02f36da0   /                                              ext4    noatime             0 1 
UUID=c21f3d91-87eb-493c-b8df-49651dba9e55   swap                                           swap    defaults            0 0 
tmpfs                                       /tmp                                           tmpfs   noatime,mode=1777   0 0 
/dev/sda2                                   /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/GameDrive1        ext4    users               0 0 
/dev/sdb3                                   /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Gamedrive2        ext4    users               0 0 
/dev/sdb2                                   /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/VirtualMachines   ext4    users               0 0 
/dev/sdb1                                   /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Backups           ext4    users               0 0 
/dev/sdc1                                   /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Videoprojects     ext4    users               0 0

I know that some of the drives has a bit to much “freedom” in terms of permissions… Think it was my way of trying to fix it earlier…

Perhaps these are the problematic ones. I would change the ownership of those mountpoints to your user.


sudo chown $USER: /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/Gamedrive2

/dev/sda2                                   /home/notqfthisworld/MountedDrives/GameDrive1        ext4    users               0 0 

Also in fstab, instead of users, I would have defaults or perhaps defaults,noatime.

You could read about these mount options here:


Could I just replace the users in fstab to defaults or defaults,noatime then? Would that work?

Also, I don’t quite understand what those do. Is it basically just who has access to them?

Yes, it should. I guess you’ll be good if you go with just defaults. It encompasses the following mount options:

rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async

These will basically tell the kernel how to mount the filesystem what can be done on it and by whom, if I’ve got it right :wink:

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It worked. Thank you so much :smiley:

I may have a theory over why it happened too. I have been using KDE-Partition Manager, and each time I have mounted one of the partitions I have hooked of the ‘users can unmount and mount’ option. That may be the reason on why they were set to ‘users’ and not ‘defaults’. Just a theory tho.

Well, now it finally works again! :grin:

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