Trusted Level question

I was recently granted Trusted Level 3 (Regular). As you can see, when viewing my profile, it shows “Regular”. However, when clicking my username in posts/topics, it shows Trusted Level 2 (Member). Glitch, or it just takes a while to show forum-wide?


If you click on settings on you profile you can change your title to regular

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Thanks. Just did that. Still shows “Member” when you click my name in a post though. Much appreciated!

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The “Regular” trust level has been a little buggy lately from what I’ve noticed. I had to work it out with @joekamprad to get it fixed :person_shrugging:

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Now i can see regularbehind you username :vulcan_salute:

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Click my username and see lower left.

Oh sorry…that’s what you meant :man_shrugging:

Yeah. But still, thanks for letting me know how to show Regular next to my displayed username. :enos:

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Are you talking about your favorites?

Click my username and see lower left.

Yeah, I think we’re talking about the same thing. You can mark 2 badges as you favorite and have them show up there.

How do you hide your moderator symbol right on your username?

It’s your “title” under preferences>account
Although I think the little shield stays

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My point is that on the lower left when you click my username shows “Member” when I’m “Regular”.

Screenshot from 2024-05-03 13-26-07

Screenshot from 2024-05-03 13-26-52

Ah ok it looks like you can’t change that like the other badges. I think it switched automatically for me. Might just take some time.

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Actually no. He just hasn’t enabled it correctly, or there really is a bug.

@UncleSpellbinder Please go to, then click the buttons below in the images.

You can also get to this page by following the breadcrumbs below:

Profile → Badges → click on your “Regular” badge (you actually need to click the word itself)


That is a badge. Not your title. If you look a little to the right you can see “+21 more”. You have a lot of badges. :slight_smile:

You are just seeing 3 of your current badges there.

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@ddnn I’m at work at the moment. Just followed your directions on my cell phone. Seems to have worked.


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Happy to help. :enos_flag:

And yes, it worked. I can see it now.




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