Touchpad not working in sway

I installed the sway community edition and found that my touchpad (ThinkPad X1) wasn’t working. It was working though in my custom Arch installation under sway as well as in the XCFE environment and also in light-dm before entering sway. The TrackPoint is working though as well as the buttons. Is there a sway setting that prevents it from working?

welcome to Endeavouros forum

look in .config/sway/config.d ( input file ) you find

### Input configuration
# Example configuration:
# You can get the names of your inputs by running: swaymsg -t get_inputs
# Put your touchpad's ID to replace "Touchpad-ID" (keep the quotation marks)

input type:touchpad {
      dwt enabled
      tap enabled
      natural_scroll enabled

# Read `man 5 sway-input` for more information about this section.
input type:keyboard xkb_layout "us"

exec_always {
   'swaymsg input type:keyboard xkb_layout "$(localectl status | grep "X11 Layout" | sed -e "s/^.*X11 Layout://")"'
   'swaymsg input type:keyboard xkb_variant "$(localectl status | grep "X11 Variant" | sed -e "s/^.*X11 Variant://")"'

use " swaymsg -t get_inputs "

this will Help " "

i sure you know . it work on your vanilla arch install ( like you say )

I think the problem is that the touchpad does not show in

swaymsg -t get_inputs. I would not know what can prevent it from appearing in there.

The touchpad is working, I can do

sudo libinput debug-events and get proper output.

sudo libinput list-devices shows:

Device:           ELAN0672:00 04F3:3187 Touchpad
Kernel:           /dev/input/event7
Group:            6
Seat:             seat0, default
Size:             109x54mm
Capabilities:     pointer gesture
Tap-to-click:     disabled
Tap-and-drag:     enabled
Tap drag lock:    disabled
Left-handed:      disabled
Nat.scrolling:    disabled
Middle emulation: disabled
Calibration:      n/a
Scroll methods:   *two-finger edge 
Click methods:    *button-areas clickfinger 
Disable-w-typing: enabled
Accel profiles:   flat *adaptive
Rotation:         n/a

I re-installed the i3 version of endeavourOS and added a clean sway installation, sadly to the same effect. The touchpad won’t work :frowning: So I doubt it is the sway config specifically that’s preventing this. But I still have no clue what is…

EDIT: I reckon it could be actually related to lightdm:

EDIT2: Yes, it is solved. The “problem” was lightdm.

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