Hi guys I’m looking for someone to help me with this, it seems that under the internal batter of the T450s there should be an m.2 slot, the one used by the smart card reader, but this is what I found when I removed the battery. It looks different from other pictures I’ve seen and I can’t find the slot.
Try looking next to the wireless card. I am going to move this to the hardware category
Yup right next to the wireless card
No, that’s another m.2 slot that cannot take an msata drive unfortunately
This laptop has two m2. slots and the usable one should be under the internal battery.
Then look under that silver plate at the top of the picture.
I will try this yes
Was it there?
Problem solved, my bad, the 2242 it’s now recognized by the system from the wwan port and the speed is way faster than usb, so all good, I just misplaced the pins the first time I tried.
Can you explain what you did to resolve the issue?
I simply pushed the pins more firmly in the slot
Where was the slot lol?
Thee WWAN slot near the wifi card, no need to use the one under the battery.