Ok i know this sounds wired as hell but i just installed the Linux-Zen kernel (f around and find out kind of way) to see if it makes a difference and after installing the NVIDIA drivers and rebooting i noticed my hole system is like 20 more crisp i didn’t even notice that my font and icons were not as crisp and slightly blurry on the edges but ow this is so apparent it feels so wired i haven’t tested/benchmarked games yet but this is so wired.
Does anybody know if there is some kind of Nvidia (RTX3060TI) driver optimization in/for the zen Kernel i read it does optimize some stuff for desktop use but i didn’t expect this!!!
I don’t think the zen kernel has any impact on the general ‘quality’ of your display output, so this may just be a case of expectation bias - it’s aim is to increase CPU responsiveness.
It’s recommended for gaming and other resource intensive things because better CPU performance can usually mean better performance all over as it alleviates any bottle-necking which may have otherwise been holding back the rest of the hardware like the GPU, but it doesn’t actually do anything in and of itself towards graphics.
Little Follow up i found a screenshot of the system from bevore i installed the Linux Zen Kernel.
The only thing besides the kernel change in these images is the wallpaper.
The dark Linux is from the Zen kernel and the lighter one from the mainline kernel, the main line one is definetly way more blurred.
Both screenshots are taken with flame shot and in both I took the entire screen and then zoomed in.
That looks like the resolution and/or scaling was set differently between screenshots - for a start I notice that despite your having cropped both screenshots to roughly the same size, the icons themselves are very different sizes.
Again, this has nothing to do with the kernel and everything to do with your other settings.
Here is the list of things the Zen kernel does over and above the vanilla build - none of this is related to display settings
The kernel, zen or arch, does not make a difference. The difference in resolution, antialiasing etc. comes with the graphics driver and the desktop environment. The discussion is pointless without any data regarding these two items.
Please post output of inxi -SCG for both scenarios: With zen kernel and with arch kernel.