Testing Plasma 6 (Beta) on Endeavour OS - is this approach any good?

Confirmed the bug and added my system properties.

Question to do further testing: How can I install Galileo without X or how can I switch to Wayland? I want to have Wayland running before I switch to KDE6 to emulate what will be done with KDE6 final…

X is default when installing, as far as I know.

To get Wayland:

  • install plasma-wayland-session
  • log out
  • in the log in screen there should now be a possibility to choose Wayland (bottom left, i believe).
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You can also run SDDM with wayland so X11 never start.

2.12 and 2.12.1 cover that part:


It’s coming fast, beta 2 is scheduled to be released on Dec 20th (as I recall).
From that video, will the developers have a working holiday season ? :slight_smile:
Overall, as we’ve discussed I think it’s coming along well (basically impressed). I still have hopes that the add-ons (like themes and widgets) get more things ported for 6.0 (there’s not much out there at the moment, or I’m not seeing it?)

I’ve not seen a lot of add-on activity for Plasma 6, but don’t really know where to look.

But you’re right: plasma 6 is mostly doing nicely.

SDDM is not KDE, it seems. My bug report about a half-translated login screen got this reaction:

Translations for text in SDDM come from SDDM; you'll have to report it at

Is a nice opportunity to find out if I still have a working github-account. :thinking:

Edit: yes. Account still works.

Yes, I think I ran across this at one point. Wish KDE would just get their own greeter lol.

I thought they already had, when I read this[1]:

The KDE development team has accepted a proposal to incorporate the SDDM project into the Plasma Desktop project. SDDM will be an official part of Plasma and updates will likely be pushed alongside Plasma Desktop updates.

And it was discussed over at KDE in this thread: [Approved] Plasma 6 Proposal: incubate SDDM.

[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/SDDM

Yes, I do remember reading that…earlier ?this? year. But apparently not yet so…if ever.

Seems about right: the discussion was 6 months ago, i gather.

So, I’ve been using Plasma6/Qt6 for a month now. My aim was to simply use Plasma6/Qt6, expecting that in normal usage I would come across bugs that I would then report. But, so far, my “normal usage” invokes no or hardly any Plasma6/Qt6 bugs.
Plasma6 on EndeavorOS is very boring in a very good way.:blush:

Still, I do want to try and find some bugs.
As my normal usage does not make me find bugs, I’d like to know what do I need to do, to really test the Plasma6/Qt6 release.
With what kind of scenarios would I really be testing Plasma6/Qt6?

Any pointers?

Afaik you started with a fresh installation? Have you tried updating an existing installation? Copy an existing plasma 5 home folder over (or at least ~/.config ~/.local) before logging-in and see what happens.

I had installed endeavouros (version before Galileo).

From that basic setup I added unstable, core-testing and extra-testing (which resulted in Plasma6 being installed). And then started using that setup.

I’ll have to see how I can do what you suggest. Sounds interesting.

Due to Endeavouros being rolling-release, I don’t think the experience (if I understand correctly) would be any different.

I am in the process of getting another pc ready. I’ve just installed Galileo on it. I want to test the upgrade path to plasma 6 on that machine. That will be a repeat of what I’ve done on my laptop I suppose (adding unstable and test repos).

I suppose the whole idea of the Plasma 6/Qt6 release is, that though there have been lots of changes under the hood, the changes at the surface are minimal. So there is not some specific app or setting that needs testing. It’s just the overall “unchanged” usage that needs to be tested.

That being said, is there anything that would need to be looked at in the context of EndeavorOS? Does the Plasma6/Qt6 affect some of the EndeavorOS specific aspects? The welcome app for instance (still works under Plasma 6), or other things?

For those testing Spectacle under Plasma 6 and X11:

Spectacle only does recording on Wayland.
If you are on X11, there will be no recording button.

See this bug report for more information.

Adding a printer still works as expected under Plasma6/Qt6.

Updating the binary EndevourOS/Arch packages should be rather similar without much new insight.

Carrying over old preferences, caches and local files from an existing installation and have these interact with your updated applications is interesting though. There are a lot of combinations. Devs usually work on the latest and greatest without experiencing updating. And it’s a non-“fun” and boring task overall, so you need someone really dedicated to QA or be paid for it.

To see which “qt6”-bugs have been reported in the last week I use this query:


When I just had a look there were 193 reports.

As I don’t know how many people are actually using/testing Plasma 6 I can´t say whether this is a lot or not, but it is more than I expected.