If someone is interested. Found this article on ostechnix
That is pretty neat to get a quick feel for the live environment and see what they look like out of the box. I did find it funny when I spun up an Arch one because it just started like Arch does with wanting you to install so there is nothing to see. But it was fun to open up a few and take a peek
I never thought to try it on the phone, freaking genius
This is actually a lot faster than I thought it would be.
Sure interested and interesting.
Thank you very much @swh
Unless everyone from the forum takes a spin at eos, we then have to wait in the queue
Well, no, you’ve just opened a web page on your phone. The EOS was started on some virtual machine running on someone’s server. It’s clown-based computing, software-as-service type of thing. Not very useful, and certainly not secure for anything useful.
But it was started through me clicking with my thumb on my phone sending the signal to the network. So technically, I started it.