Test drive Linux distros online!

If someone is interested. Found this article on ostechnix


That is pretty neat to get a quick feel for the live environment and see what they look like out of the box. I did find it funny when I spun up an Arch one because it just started like Arch does with wanting you to install so there is nothing to see. But it was fun to open up a few and take a peek

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This is freaking awesome! :sunglasses: I just started EOS on my Android phone.


Ubuntu and libre office :grin: on my phone, feel like a child now…

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I never thought to try it on the phone, freaking genius


This is actually a lot faster than I thought it would be.

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Sure interested and interesting.
Thank you very much @swh

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Unless everyone from the forum takes a spin at eos, we then have to wait in the queue :rofl:

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Well, no, you’ve just opened a web page on your phone. The EOS was started on some virtual machine running on someone’s server. It’s clown-based computing, software-as-service type of thing. Not very useful, and certainly not secure for anything useful.

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But it was started through me clicking with my thumb on my phone sending the signal to the network. So technically, I started it. :rofl:
